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54: Soricelli A, Mainenti
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[Scintigraphic characterization
of expansive lesions located in the adrenals.
Comparison with magnetic resonance
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Myocardial viability index
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Enhanced detection of viable
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nitrate administration in
chronic coronary artery disease.
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60: Nicolai E, Cuocolo A,
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Assessment of systolic wall
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in patients with coronary artery disease: relation to
thallium-201 scintigraphy
with re-injection.
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61: Cuocolo A, Pace L, Maurea
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Cardei S, Salvatore M.
[Morpho-functional diagnostic
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Romano M, Salvatore M.
Ambulatory monitoring of
left ventricular function during cardiopulmonary
exercise tests in normal sedentary
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63: Cuocolo A, Nicolai E,
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Impaired left ventricular
diastolic filling in patients with acromegaly:
assessment with radionuclide
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64: Maurea S, Lastoria S,
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The diagnosis of nonfunctioning
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65: Pace L, Cuocolo A, Nicolai
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B, Salvatore M.
Reverse redistribution in
Tl-201 stress-redistribution myocardial scintigraphy.
Effect of rest reinjection.
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66: Maurea S, Lastoria S,
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Salvatore M.
Iodine-131-MIBG imaging to
monitor chemotherapy response in advanced
neuroblastoma: comparison
with laboratory analysis.
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[Parathyroid scintigraphy
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technics in the location and characterization of
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Sep; 88(3): 331-7. Italian. No abstract available.
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68: Klain M, Imbriaco M,
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Salvatore M.
[Morphofunctional evaluation
of the kidney in retroperitoneal fibrosis.
Correlations of computerized
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[Evaluation of systolic parietal
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isonitrile. Relationship with coronary anatomy]
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70: Cuocolo A, Soricelli
A, Pace L, Nicolai E, Castelli L, Nappi A, Imbriaco M,
Morisco C, Ell PJ, Salvatore
Adenosine technetium-99m-methoxy
isobutyl isonitrile myocardial tomography in
patients with coronary artery
disease: comparison with exercise.
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PMID: 8014666 [PubMed - indexed
71: Maurea S, Cuocolo A,
Reynolds J, Keiser H, Neumann R, Salvatore M.
[Scintigraphy with iodine-131
metaiodobenzylguanidine in the study of
paraganglioma. Comparison
between benign and malignant tumors]
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May; 87(5): 688-93. Italian.
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72: Maurea S, Cuocolo A,
Nicolai E, Salvatore M.
Improved detection of viable
myocardium with thallium-201 reinjection in
chronic coronary artery disease:
comparison with technetium-99m-MIBI imaging.
J Nucl Med. 1994 Apr; 35(4):
PMID: 8151385 [PubMed - indexed
73: Cuocolo A, Pace L, Maurea
S, Ricciardelli B, Nicolai E, Nappi A, Imbriaco
M, Trimarco B, Salvatore M.
Enhanced thallium-201 uptake
after reinjection: relation to regional
ventricular function, myocardial
perfusion and coronary anatomy.
J Nucl Biol Med. 1994 Mar;
38(1): 6-13.
PMID: 8075177 [PubMed - indexed
74: Maurea S, Lastoria S,
Klain M, Celentano L, Salvatore M.
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in
a patient with follicular thyroid cancer: the role of
99mTc-methoxy isobutyl isonitrile
J Nucl Biol Med. 1994 Mar;
38(1): 18-21.
PMID: 8075172 [PubMed - indexed
75: Maurea S, Lastoria S,
Klain M, Brunetti A, Boscaino A, Lupoli G, Salvatore
Diagnostic evaluation of
thyroid involvement by histiocytosis X.
J Nucl Med. 1994 Feb; 35(2):
PMID: 8294996 [PubMed - indexed
76: Cuocolo A, Maurea S,
Pace L, Nicolai E, Nappi A, Imbriaco M, Trimarco B,
Salvatore M.
Resting technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile
cardiac imaging in chronic
coronary artery disease: comparison
with rest-redistribution thallium-201
Eur J Nucl Med. 1993 Dec;
20(12): 1186-92.
PMID: 8299654 [PubMed - indexed
77: Lastoria S, Maurea S,
Caraco C, Vergara E, Maurelli L, Indolfi P, Casale F,
di Tullio MT, Salvatore M.
Iodine-131 metaiodobenzylguanidine
scintigraphy for localization of lesions in
children with neuroblastoma:
comparison with computed tomography and
Eur J Nucl Med. 1993 Dec;
20(12): 1161-7.
PMID: 8299651 [PubMed - indexed
78: Imbriaco M, Cuocolo A,
Pace L, Nappi A, Nicolai E, Maurea S, Salvatore M.
Repeatability of haemodynamic
responses to cardiac stimulations by ambulatory
monitoring of left ventricular
J Nucl Biol Med. 1993 Dec;
37(4): 238-44.
PMID: 8172967 [PubMed - indexed
79: Pace L, Cuocolo A, Maurea
S, Nicolai E, Imbriaco M, Nappi A, Morisco C,
Chiariello M, Trimarco B,
Salvatore M.
Reverse redistribution in
resting thallium-201 myocardial scintigraphy in
patients with coronary artery
disease: relation to coronary anatomy and
ventricular function.
J Nucl Med. 1993 Oct; 34(10):
PMID: 8410282 [PubMed - indexed
80: Pace L, Cuocolo A, Stefano
ML, Nappi A, Nicolai E, Imbriaco M, Trimarco B,
Salvatore M.
Left ventricular systolic
and diastolic function measurements using an
ambulatory radionuclide monitor:
effects of different time averaging on
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PMID: 8355081 [PubMed - indexed
81: Maurea S, Cuocolo A,
Pace L, Nicolai E, Nappi A, Imbriaco M, Morisco C,
Chiariello M, Trimarco B,
Salvatore M.
Rest-injected thallium-201
redistribution and resting technetium-99m
uptake in coronary artery disease: relation to the
severity of coronary artery
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20(6): 502-10.
PMID: 8339733 [PubMed - indexed
82: Maurea S, Cuocolo A,
Reynolds JC, Choyke PL, Keiser HR, Neumann RD,
Salvatore M.
[Role of magnetic resonance
in the study of benign and malignant
pheochromocytomas. Quantitative
analysis of the intensity of the resonance
Radiol Med (Torino). 1993
Jun; 85(6): 803-8. Italian.
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83: Nappi A, Cuocolo A, Nicolai
E, Imbriaco M, Pace L, Salvatore M.
[Ambulatory monitoring of
left ventricular function with a radionuclide
detector system]
Radiol Med (Torino). 1992
Jul-Aug; 84(1-2): 132-9. Italian.
PMID: 1509128 [PubMed - indexed
84: Cuocolo A, Nappi A, Nicolai
E, Pace L, Imbriaco M, Morisco C, Chiariello M,
Trimarco B, Salvatore M.
[Ambulatory monitoring of
left ventricular function: the assessment of
transient episodes of ventricular
dysfunction in patients with ischemic
G Ital Cardiol. 1992 Jul;
22(7): 813-24. Italian.
PMID: 1473655 [PubMed - indexed
85: Maurea S, Maurelli L,
Lastoria S, Cuocolo A, Brunetti A, Pace L, Caraco C,
Klain M, Lupoli G, Salvatore
[Familial pheochromocytoma
in Sipple's syndrome. A comparison between
scintigraphy with 131I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine,
computed tomography and
Radiol Med (Torino). 1992
Apr; 83(4): 486-90. Italian. No abstract available.
PMID: 1351307 [PubMed - indexed
86: Pace L, Cuocolo A, Nappi
A, Nicolai E, Imbriaco M, Mangoni di Santo Stefano
ML, Salvatore M.
[Myocardial scintigraphy
with technetium 99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile. A
comparison with coronary arteriography
in patients with suspected ischemic
Radiol Med (Torino). 1992
Jan-Feb; 83(1-2): 97-100. Italian.
PMID: 1557552 [PubMed - indexed
87: Maurelli L, Cuocolo A,
Lastoria S, Brunetti A, Maurea S, Lembo G, Klain M,
Caraco C, Salvatore M.
scintigraphy in patients with a suspected
pheochromocytoma. A comparison
with CT and biohumoral parameters]
Radiol Med (Torino). 1991
Dec; 82(6): 839-43. Italian.
PMID: 1788441 [PubMed - indexed
88: Camera L, Del Vecchio
S, Petrillo A, Esposito G, Frasci G, Iaffaioli RV,
Bianco AR, Salvatore M.
Evaluation of therapeutic
response using iodine-131-B72.3 monoclonal antibody
in patients with ovarian carcinoma.
Eur J Nucl Med. 1991; 18(4):
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