Windows 10 useful commands:
To find PID of process listening on port 104:
netstat -a -b -o -n | findstr /R ":104"
to kill a process using its PID
taskkill /F /PID [PID Number]
(e.g.taskkill /F /PID 7796)
to modify/remove access credentials to network disks/other PCs
control keymgr.dll
to run a FOR loop
for /L %i IN (1,1,100) DO echo TEST_%i_TEST
to run a process in the background (equal to "command &" in Linux)
In PowerShell: Start-Process -WindowStyle hidden [program/batch/command]
Linux useful commands
To perform in bash simple calculations
echo "10./2." | bc -l
To count files with .nii extension in a directory
ls -1 *.nii | wc -l
To send output of a bash commadn to echo
for i in `ls *.txt` ; do echo $i ; done
To rename multiple files using find
find . -type f -name 'OLDNAME.TXT' -execdir mv {} NEWNAME.TXT \;