Last update: 16 February 2025
(ORCID SCOPUS Google Scholar Web of Science/Publons/ResearcherID ResearchGate PubMed)

h-index as for 27 November 2024:
43 (Google Scholar)
35 (Scopus)
32 (Web of Science)
(links for freely available published manuscripts, or their Post-print versions)
(links for freely available preprints of manuscripts accepted for pubblication)
#Shared first authorship
*Shared senior authorship
  1. Quarantelli M, Russo C. Less may be more in PET (with AI). Eur Radiol (in press)
  2. Tranfa M, Petracca M, Moccia M, Scaravilli A, Barkhof F, Brescia Morra V, Carotenuto A, Collorone S, Elefante A, Falco F, Lanzillo R, Lorenzini L, Schoonheim MM, Toosy AT, Brunetti A, Cocozza S, Quarantelli M, Pontillo G. Conventional MRI-based Structural Disconnection and Morphometric Similarity Networks and Their Clinical Correlates in Multiple Sclerosis. Neurology 2025 Feb 25;104(4):e213349
  3. Pirozzi MA, Gaudieri V, Prinster A, Magliulo M, Cuocolo A, Brunetti A, Alfano B, Quarantelli M. StepBrain – A 3D-printed Multicompartmental Anthropomorphic Brain Phantom to Simulate Positron Emission Tomography Activity Distributions. J Nucl Med 2024 Sep 3;65(9):1489-1492
  4. Russo C, Aliberti F, Ferrara UP, Russo C, De Gennaro DV, Cristofano A, Nastro A, Cicala D, Spennato P, Quarantelli M, Aiello M, Soricelli A, Smaldone G, Onorini N, De Martino L, Picariello S, Parlato S, Mirabelli P, Quaglietta L, Covelli EM, Cinalli G. Neuroimaging in Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis: Key Concepts to Unlock Innovation. Diagnostics 2024;14:1842.
  5. Sorrentino P, Pathak A, Ziaeemehr A, Troisi Lopez E, Cipriano L, Romano A, Sparaco M, Quarantelli M, Banerjee A, Sorrentino G, Jirsa V, Hashemi M. The virtual multiple sclerosis patient. iScience. 2024 May 24;27(7):110101
  6. Cinalli G, Di Martino G, Russo C, Cristofano A, Picariello S, Cinalli MA, Mirone G, Mazio F, Quarantelli M, Spennato P, Covelli EM. Jugular foramen stenosis in external hydrocephalus in infants. Childs Nerv Syst. 2024 Jul;40(7):2081-2091
  7. Quarantelli M. Searching for the Grail: May machine learning be a road to clinical use of brain MRI segmentation? Eur Radiol. 2024 Jun;34(6):3575-3577
  8. #Cipriano L, #Minino R, Liparoti M, Polverino A, Romano A, Bonavita S, Pirozzi MA, Quarantelli M, Jirsa V, Sorrentino G, *Sorrentino P, *Troisi Lopez E. Flexibility of brain dynamics is increased and predicts clinical impairment in Relapsing-Remitting but not in Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Brain Comm 2024;6(2):fcae112
  9. Giuliano P, La Rosa G, Capozzi S, Cassano E, Damiano S, Habetswallner F, Iodice R, Marra M, Pavone LM, Quarantelli M, Vitelli G, Santillo M, Roberto Paternò. Blood test for diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Int J Mol Sci 2024 Jan 30;25(3):1696
  10. #Russo C, #Pirozzi MA, Mazio F, Cascone D, Cicala D, De Liso M, Nastro A, Covelli EM, *Cinalli G, *Quarantelli M. Fully automated measurement of intracranial CSF and brain parenchyma volumes in pediatric hydrocephalus by segmentation of clinical MRI studies. Med Phys 2023;50(12):7921-7933
  11. Sorrentino P, Rabuffo G, Baselice F, Troisi Lopez E, Liparoti M, Quarantelli M, Sorrentino G, Bernard C, Jirsa V. Dynamical interactions reconfigure the gradient of cortical timescales. Netw Neurosci 2023;7(1):73–85
  12. Pontillo G, Petracca M, Monti S, Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Costabile T, Carotenuto A, Tortora F, Elefante A, Brescia Morra V, Brunetti A, Palma G, Cocozza S. Clinical correlates of R1 relaxometry and magnetic susceptibility changes in Multiple Sclerosis: a multi-parameter quantitative MRI study of brain iron and myelin. Eur Radiol 2023 Mar;33(3):2185-2194 (see Published Erratum)
  13. Pontillo G, Penna S, Cocozza S, Quarantelli M, Gravina M, Lanzillo R, Marrone S, Costabile S, Inglese M, Brescia Morra V, Riccio D, Elefante A, Petracca M, Sansone C, Brunetti A. Stratification of Multiple Sclerosis patients using unsupervised machine learning: a single-visit MRI-driven approach. Eur Radiol 2022 Aug;32(8):5382-5391
  14. Sorrentino P, Petkoski S, Sparaco M, Troisi Lopez E, Signoriello E, Baselice F, Bonavita S, Pirozzi MA, Quarantelli M, Sorrentino G, Jirsa V. Whole-brain propagation delays in multiple sclerosis, a combined tractography - magnetoencephalography study. J Neurosci 2022 Nov 23;42(47):8807-8816
  15. Romeo V, Stanzione A, Ugga L, Cuocolo R, Cocozza S, Quarantelli M, Chawla S, Farina D, Golay X, Parker G, Shukla-Dave A, Thoeny H, Vidiri A, Brunetti A, Surlan-Popovic K, Bisdas S. Clinical indications and acquisition protocol for the use of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in head and neck cancer squamous cell carcinoma: recommendations from an expert panel. Insight Imaging 2022 Dec 17;13(1):198
  16. #Quarantelli M, #Quattrone A, Sarica A, Cicone F, *Cascini GL, *Quattrone A. Functional connectivity of the cortico-subcortical sensorimotor loop is modulated by the severity of nigrostriatal dopaminergic denervation in Parkinson's Disease. NPJ Parkinson's Dis 2022 Sep 28;8(1):122
  17. Cinalli G, Russo C, Vitulli F, Parlato RS, Spennato P, Imperato A, Quarantelli M, Covelli E, Aliberti F. Changes in venous drainage following posterior cranial vault distraction and foramen occipitale magnum decompression in syndromic craniosynostosis. J Neurosurg Pediatr 2022 Jul 22:1-12
  18. Pirozzi MA, Tranfa T, Tortora M, Lanzillo R, Brescia Morra V, Brunetti A, *Alfano B, *Quarantelli M. A polynomial regression-based approach to estimate relaxation rate maps suitable for multiparametric segmentation of clinical brain MRI studies in multiple sclerosis. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 2022;223:106957
  19. #Mazio F, #Aloj G, Pastorino GMG, Perillo T, Russo C, Riccio MP, Covelli EM, Parasole R, Tedeschi E, Ugga L, *D'Amico A, *Quarantelli M. Default-Mode Network connectivity changes correlate with attention deficits in ALL long-term survivors treated with radio- and/or chemotheraphy. Biology 2022;11:499
  20. Giordano GM, Pezzella P, Quarantelli M, Bucci P, Prinster A, Soricelli A, Perrottelli A, Giuliani L, Fabrazzo M, Galderisi S. Investigating the Relationship between White Matter Connectivity and Motivational Circuits in Subjects with Deficit Schizophrenia: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Study. J Clin Med 2022;11(1):61
  21. Pontillo G, Tommasin S, Cuocolo R, Petracca M, Petsas N, Ugga L, Carotenuto A, Pozzilli C, Iodice R, Roberta R, Quarantelli M, Brescia Morra V, Tedeschi E, Pantano P, Cocozza S. A combined radiomics and machine learning approach to overcome the clinico-radiological paradox in multiple sclerosis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2021 Nov;42(11):1927-1933
  22. Petracca M, Quarantelli M, Moccia M, Vacca G, Satelliti B, D’Ambrosio G, Carotenuto A, Ragucci M, Assogna F, Capacchione A, Lanzillo R, Brescia Morra V. ProspeCtive study to evaluate efficacy, safety and tOlerability of dietary supplemeNT of Curcumin (BCM95) in subjects with Active relapsing MultIple Sclerosis treated with subcutaNeous Interferon beta 1a 44 mcg TIW (CONTAIN): a randomized, controlled trial. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2021 Sep 21;56:103274
  23. Sorrentino P, Seguin C, Rucco R, Liparoti M, Troisi Lopez E, Bonavita S, Quarantelli M, Sorrentino G, Jirsa V, Zalesky A. The structural connectome constrains fast brain dynamics. Elife 2021 Jul 9;10:e67400
  24. Pontillo G, Petracca M, Monti S, Quarantelli M, Criscuolo C, Lanzillo R, Tedeschi E, Elefante A, Brescia Morra V, Brunetti A, *Cocozza S, *Palma G. Unraveling deep gray matter atrophy, iron and myelin changes in multiple sclerosis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2021 Jul;42(7):1223-1230
  25. #Sarica A, #Quattrone A, Quarantelli, M, Arcuri PP, Mechelli A, La Torre D, Cascini G, Quattrone A. Reduced Striatal DAT uptake normalizes after shunt in normal pressure hydrocephalus. Mov Disord 2021 Jan;36(1):261-262
  26. Coda AR, Anzilotti S, Boscia F, Greco A, Panico M, Gargiulo S, Gramanzini M, Zannetti A, Albanese S, Pignataro G, Annunziato L, Salvatore M, Brunetti A, De Berardinis P, Quarantelli M, Palma G, Pappatà S. In vivo imaging of CNS microglial activation/macrophage infiltration with combined [18F]DPA-714-PET and SPIO-MRI in a mouse model of Relapsing Remitting Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2021 Jan;48(1):40-52
  27. Bruno F, Splendiani A, Tommasino E, Conson M, Quarantelli M, Saporito G, Carolei A, Sacco S, Di Cesare E, Barile A, Masciocchi C, Pistoia F. Multimodal MRI assessment of thalamic structural changes in earthquake survivors. Diagnostics 2021;11:70
  28. Pontillo G, Dubbioso R, Teresa T, Cocozza S, Tozza S, Severi D, Iodice R, Tedeschi E, Elefante A, Brunetti A, Manganelli F, Quarantelli M. Diffuse brain connectivity changes in Charcot-Marie_Tooth type 1A patients: a resting-state functional MRI study. Eur J Neurol 2021;28:305–313
  29. Ugga L, Cuocolo R, Cocozza S, Pontillo G, Elefante A, Quarantelli M, Vicidomini C, De Pandis MF, De Michele G, D’Amico A, de Divitiis O, Brunetti A. Magnetic Resonance Parkinsonism Indices and Interpeduncular Angle in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Neuroradiology 2020 Dec;62(12):1657-1665
  30. Cocozza S, Pontillo G, De Michele G, Perillo T, Guerriero E, Ugga U, Salvatore E, Galatolo D, Riso V, Saccà F, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A. The "Crab sign": an imaging feature of spinocerebellar ataxia type 48. Neuroradiology. 2020 Sep;62(9):1095-1103
  31. #Pontillo G, #Dubbioso R, Cocozza S, Tozza S, Severi D, Iodice R, Tedeschi E, Elefante A, Brunetti A, Manganelli F, Quarantelli M. Brain plasticity in Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1a patients. A combined structural and diffusion MRI study. Front Neurol 2020 Sep 8;11:795 doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.00795
  32. #Melillo P, #Prinster A, Di Iorio V, Olivo G, D'Alterio F, Cocozza S, Quarantelli M, Testa F, *Brunetti A, *Simonelli F. Biofeedback rehabilitation and visual cortex response in patients with Stargardt's disease: a randomized controlled trial. Transl Vis Sci Tech 2020;9(6):6
  33. Cassiano MT, Lanzillo R, Alfano B; Costabile T, Comerci M, Prinster A, Moccia M, Megna R, Brescia Morra V, *Quarantelli M, *Brunetti A. Voxel-based analysis of gray matter relaxation rates shows different correlation patterns for cognitive impairment and physical disability in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Neuroimage Clin. 2020 Jan 30;26:102201. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102201
  34. Pontillo G, Cocozza S, Di Stasi M, Carotenuto A, Paolella C, Cipullo B, Perillo T, Vola EA, Russo C, Masullo M, Moccia M, Lanzillo R, Tedeschi E, Elefante E, Brescia Morra V, Brunetti A, *Quarantelli M, *Petracca M. 2D linear measures of ventricular enlargement may be relevant markers of brain atrophy and long-term disability progression in multiple sclerosis. Eur Radiol 2020 Jul;30(7):3813-3822
  35. Pistoia F, Conson M, Quarantelli M, Panebianco L, Carolei A, Curcio G, Sacco S, Saporito G, Di Cesare E, Barile A, Masciocchi C, Splendiani A. Neural correlates of facial expression recognition in earthquake witnesses. Front Neurosci 2019;13:1038
  36. Pota M, Esposito M, Megna R, De Pietro G, Quarantelli M, Brescia Morra V, Alfano B. Multivariate fuzzy Analysis of brain tissue volumes and relaxation rates for supporting the diagnosis of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Biomed Signal Process Control 2019;53:101591
  37. Megna R, Alfano B, Lanzillo R, Costabile T, Comerci M, Vacca G, Carotenuto A, Moccia M, Servillo G, Prinster A, Brescia Morra V, Quarantelli M. Brain tissues volumes and relaxation rates in multiple sclerosis. Implications for cognitive impairment. J Neurol 2019;266(2):361-368
  38. Cocozza S, Quarantelli M. Reader response: Increased resting cerebral blood flow in adult Fabry disease: MRI arterial spin labeling study. Neurology. 2018 Dec 4;91(23):1071-1072
  39. Ugga L, Romeo V, Tedeschi E, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanocolloids in MRI studies of neuroinflammation. J Neurosci Methods 2018 Dec 1;310:12-23
  40. De Michele G, Sorrentino P, Nesti C, Rubegni A, Ruggiero L, Peluso S, Antenora A, Quarantelli M, Filla A, De Michele G, Santorelli FM. Reversible valproate-induced subacute encephalopathy associated with a MT-ATP8 variant in the mitochondrial genome. Front Neurol. 2018 Aug 30;9:728
  41. Cocozza S, Carotenuto A, Brunetti A, Tedeschi E, Arcara G, Orefice G, Cerillo I, Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Iodice R, Bambini V, Brescia Morra V. Pragmatic abilities in Multiple Sclerosis: The contribution of the temporo-parietal junction. Brain Lang 2018 Aug 11;185:47-53
  42. Pontillo G, Cocozza S, Brunetti A, Brescia Morra V, Riccio E, Russo C, Saccà F, Tedeschi E, Pisani A, Quarantelli M. Reduced intracranial volume in Fabry disease: evidence of abnormal neurodevelopment? Front Neurol 2018 Aug 9:672
  43. Cocozza S, Costabile T, Tedeschi E, Abate F, Russo C, Liguori A, Del Vecchio W, Paciello F, Quarantelli M, Filla A, Brunetti A, Saccà F. Cognitive and functional connectivity alterations in Friedreich's ataxia. Ann Clin Transl Neurol 2018 Apr 14;5(6):677-686
  44. Cocozza S, and Quarantelli M. Cerebral blood flow and white matter in Fabry disease: Cum hoc ergo propter hoc? Neurology April 27, 2018 (Published as Rapid online correspondence under Disputes & Debates) (view also author response)
  45. #Marchitelli R, #Aiello M, Cachia A, Quarantelli M, Cavaliere C, Postiglione A, Tedeschi G, Montella P, Milan G, Salvatore M, Salvatore E, *Baron JC, *Pappatà S. Simultaneous Resting-State FDG-PET/fMRI in Alzheimer Disease: Relationship Between Glucose Metabolism and Intrinsic Activity. Neuroimage 2018;176:246-258
  46. Conson M, Bianchini F, Quarantelli M, Boccia M, Salzano S, Di Vita A, Guariglia C. Selective map-following navigation deficit: a new case of developmental topographical disorientation. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 2018;4:1-11
  47. #Melillo P, #Prinster A, Di Iorio V, Olivo G, D’Alterio FM, Cocozza S, Orrico A, Quarantelli M, Testa F, *Brunetti A, *Simonelli F. Visual Cortex Activation in Patients With Stargardt Disease. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2018;59(3):1503-1511
  48. Cocozza S, Pontillo G, Quarantelli M, Saccà F, Riccio E, Costabile T, Olivo G, Brescia Morra V, Pisani A, Brunetti A, Tedeschi E. Default mode network modifications in Fabry disease: a resting-state fMRI study with structural correlations. Human Brain Mapping 2018;39(4):1755-1764
  49. #Amodio A, #Quarantelli M, Mucci A, Prinster A, Soricelli A, Vignapiano A, Giordano GM, Merlotti E, Nicita A, Galderisi S. Avolition-apathy and white matter connectivity in schizophrenia: reduced fractional anisotropy between amygdala and insular cortex. Clin EEG Neurosci. 2018 Jan;49(1):55-65
  50. Longarzo M, Quarantelli M, Aiello M, Romano M, Del Prete A, Cimminiello C, Cocozza S, Olivo G, Loguercio C, Trojano L, Grossi D. The influence of interoceptive awareness on functional connectivity in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Brain Imaging Behav 2017;11(4):1117-1128
  51. Caprio MG, Manganelli M, Limone S, Sorbillo M, Quarantelli M, Cuocolo A, Mainolfi CG. Extra-osseous 99mTc methylene diphosphonate uptake detected enlargement of the knee joint in patient with polyarthritis. SAGE Open Med Case Rep 2017;5(1-4):2050313X17741824
  52. Lanzillo R, Carbone F, Quarantelli M, Bruzzese D, Carotenuto A, De Rosa V, Colamatteo A, Micillo T, De Luca Picione C, Saccà F, De Rosa A, Moccia M, Morra VB, Matarese G. Immunometabolic profiling of patients with multiple sclerosis identifies new biomarkers to predict disease activity during treatment with interferon beta-1a. Clin Immunol 2017;183:249-253
  53. Cocozza S, Pisani A, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M, Tedeschi E. Author response: Alterations of functional connectivity of the motor cortex in Fabry disease: An RS-fMRI study. Neurology 2017;89(17):1842-1843
  54. Sarappa C, Salvatore E, Filla A, Cocozza S, Russo CV, Saccà F, Brunetti A, De Michele G, Quarantelli M. Functional MRI signal fluctuations highlight altered resting brain activity in Huntington’s Disease. Brain Imaging Behav 2017;11(5):1459-1469
  55. Cocozza S, Pisani A, Olivo G, Saccà F, Ugga L, Riccio E, Migliaccio S, Brescia Morra V, Brunetti A, *Quarantelli M, *Tedeschi E. Alterations of functional connectivity of the motor cortex in Fabry's Disease: an RS-fMRI study. Neurology 2017;88(19):1822-1829 (see also the related editorial and discussion under WriteClick® Editor's Choice)
  56. Lanzillo R, Di Somma C, Quarantelli M Carotenuto A, Pivonello C, Moccia M, Cianflone A, Marsili A, Puorro G, Saccà F, Russo C, De Luca Picione C, Ausiello F, Colao A, Brescia Morra V. Growth Hormone/IGF-1 axis longitudinal evaluation in clinically isolated syndrome patients on Interferon beta-1b therapy: stimulation tests and correlations with clinical and radiological conversion to multiple sclerosis. Eur J Neurol 2017;24(2):446-449
  57. #Moccia M, #Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Cocozza S, Carotenuto A, Carotenuto B, Alfano B, Prinster A, Triassi M, Nardone A, Palladino R, Brunetti A, Brescia Morra V. Gray/white matter ratio at diagnosis and the risk of 10-year multiple sclerosis progression. Eur J Neurol 2017;24(1):195-204
  58. Grossi D, Longarzo M, Quarantelli M, Salvatore E, Cavaliere C, De Luca PF, Trojano L, Aiello M. Altered functional connectivity of interoception in illness anxiety disorder. Cortex 2017;86:22-32 (Corrigendum published on Cortex 2017;86:22-32)
  59. Cocozza S, Russo C, Pontillo G, Ugga L, Macera A, Cervo A, De Liso M, Di Paolo N, Ginocchio MI, Giordano F, Leone G, Rusconi G, Stanzione A, Briganti F, Quarantelli M, Caranci F, D'Amico A, Elefante A, Tedeschi E, Brunetti A. Is advanced neuroimaging for neuroradiologists? A systematic review of the last decade of literature. Neuroradiology 2016;58(12):1233-1239
  60. Tedeschi E, Palma G, Canna A, Cocozza S, Russo C, Borrelli P, Lanzillo R, Angelini V, Postiglione E, Brescia Morra V, Salvatore M, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M. In vivo Dentate Nucleus MRI relaxometry correlates with previous administration of Gadolinium-based contrast agents. Eur Radiol 2016;26(12):4577-4584
  61. Palma G, Monti S, D’Avino V, Conson M, Liuzzi R, Pressello MC, Donato V, Deasy JO, Quarantelli M, Pacelli R, Cella L. A voxel-based approach to explore local dose differences associated with radiation-induced lung damage. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2016;96(1):127-133
  62. Bilo L, Antenora A, Peluso S, Procaccini EM, Quarantelli M, Mansueto G, Cigoli MS, Penco S, De Michele G. CCM3/PDCD10 gene mutation in cerebral cavernous malformations associated with hyperkeratotic cutaneous capillary venous malformations. J Dermatol 2016;43(8):962-3
  63. Lanzillo R, Quarantelli M, Pozzilli C, Trojano M, Amato MP, Marrosu MG, Francia A, Florio C, Orefice G, Tedeschi G, Bellantonio P, Annunziata P, Grimaldi LM, Comerci M, Brunetti A, Bonavita V, Alfano B, Marini S, Brescia Morra V and the ARIANNA study group. No evidence for an effect on brain atrophy rate of atorvastatin add on to interferon β1a therapy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (the ARIANNA study). Mult Scler 2016;22(9):1163-73
  64. Gargiulo S, Anzilotti S, Coda ARD, Gramanzini M, Greco A, Panico MR, Vinciguerra A, Zannetti A, Vicidomini C, Dollé F, Pignataro G, Quarantelli M, Annunziato L, Brunetti A, Salvatore M, Pappatà S. Imaging of brain TSPO expression in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with 18F-DPA-714 and micro-PET/CT. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2016;43(7):1348-59
  65. Criscuolo C, Carbone R, Lieto M, Peluso S, Guacci A, Filla A, Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Brescia Morra V, De Michele G. SPG5 and multiple sclerosis: clinical and genetic overlap? Acta Neurol Scand 2016 Jun;133(6):410-4
  66. Dubbioso R, Ranucci G, Esposito M, Di Dato F, Topa A, Quarantelli M, Matarazzo M, Santoro L, Manganelli F, Iorio R. Subclinical neurological involvement does not develop if Wilson's disease is treated early. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2016 Mar;24:15-9
  67. Quarantelli M. MR/MRS in neuroinflammation: methodology and applications. Clin Transl Imaging 2015;3:475-489
  68. Olivo G, Melillo P, Cocozza S, D'Alterio FM, Prinster A, Testa F, Brunetti A, Simonelli F, Quarantelli M. Cerebral involvement in Stargardt's Disease: a VBM and TBSS study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015;56(12):7388-7397
  69. Cocozza S, Saccà F, Cervo A, Marsili A, Russo CV, Giorgio SMdA, De Michele G, Filla A, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M. Modifications of Resting State Networks in Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 2. Mov Disord 2015;30(10):1382-1390
  70. Aiello M, Salvatore E, Cachia A, Pappatà S, Cavaliere C, Prinster A, Nicolai E, Salvatore M, *Baron JC, *Quarantelli M. Relationship between simultaneously acquired resting-state regional cerebral glucose metabolism and functional MRI: a PET/MR hybrid scanner study. Neuroimage 2015;113:111-121
  71. Vicidomini C, Panico M, Greco A, Gargiulo S, Coda ARD, Zannetti A, Gramanzini M, Roviello GN, Quarantelli M, Alfano B, Tavitian B, Dollé F, SalvatoreM, Brunetti A, Pappatà S. In vivo imaging and characterization of [18F]DPA-714, a potential new TSPO ligand, in mouse brain and peripheral tissues using small-animal PET. Nucl Med Biol 2015 Mar;42(3):309–316
  72. Cervo A, Cocozza S, Saccà F, Giorgio SMdA, Brescia Morra V, Tedeschi E, Marsili A; Vacca G, Palma V, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M. The combined use of conventional MRI and MR spectroscopic imaging increases the diagnostic accuracy in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Eur J Radiol 2015 Jan;84(1):151-7
  73. Saccà F, Puorro G, Brunetti A, Capasso G, Cervo A, Cocozza S, de Leva MF, Marsili A, Pane C, Quarantelli M, Russo CV, Trepiccione F, De Michele G, Filla A, Brescia Morra V. A randomized controlled pilot trial of lithium in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2. J Neurol 2015 Jan;262(1):149-53
  74. Conson M, Cella L, Pacelli R, Comerci M, Liuzzi R, Salvatore M, and Quarantelli M. Automated delineation of brain structures in patients undergoing radiotherapy for primary brain tumours: from atlas to dose-volume histograms. Radiotherapy & Oncology 2014;112:326–331
  75. Quarantelli M, Palladino O, Prinster A, Schiavone V, Carotenuto B, Brunetti A, Marsili A, Casiello M, Muscettola G, Salvatore M, de Bartolomeis A. Patients with poor response to antipsychotics have a more severe pattern of frontal atrophy: a Voxel-Based Morphometry study of Treatment-Resistance in schizophrenia. BioMed Res Int 2014;2014:325052
  76. Molino I, Cavaliere C, Salvatore E, Quarantelli M, Colucci L, Fasanaro AM. Is Anterior Communicating Artery Syndrome related to fornix lesions? J Alzheimers Dis. 2014;42 Suppl 3:S199-204
  77. De Simone R, Ranieri A, Montella S, Cappabianca P, Quarantelli M, Esposito F, Cardillo G, Bonavita V. Intracranial pressure in unresponsive chronic migraine. J Neurol 2014;261(7):1365-73
  78. Olgiati S, De Rosa A, Quadri M, Criscuolo C, Breedveld GJ, Picillo M, Pappatà S, Quarantelli M, Barone P, De Michele G, Bonifati V. PARK20 caused by SYNJ1 homozygous Arg258Gln mutation in a new Italian family. Neurogenetics 2014;15(3):183-8
  79. Paladini D, Quarantelli M, Sglavo G, Pastore G, Cavallaro A, D'Armiento, Salvatore M, Nappi C. Accuracy of neurosonography and MRI in clinical management of fetuses referred with central nervous system abnormalities. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2014;44:188–196
  80. Grossi D, Soricelli A, Ponari M, Salvatore E, Quarantelli M, Prinster A, Trojano L. Structural connectivity in a single case of progressive prosopagnosia: the role of the right inferior longitudinal fasciculus. Cortex 2014;56:111-20
  81. Ristori G, Romano S, Cannoni S, Visconti A, Tinelli E, Mendozzi L, Cecconi P, Lanzillo R, Quarantelli M, Buttinelli C, Gasperini C, Frontoni M, Coarelli G, Caputo D, Brescia Morra V, Vanacore N, Pozzilli C, Salvetti M. Effects of Bacille Calmette-Guerin after the first demyelinating event in the CNS. Neurology 2014;82(1):41-48
  82. Dubbioso R, Pappatà S, Quarantelli M, Manganelli F, D'Arco F, Esposito M, Santoro L. Atypical clinical and radiological presentation of cryptococcal choroid plexitis in an immunocompetent woman. J Neurol Sci 2013;334(1-2):180-182
  83. Quarantelli M, Salvatore E, Giorgio SMdA, Filla A, Cervo A, Russo CV, Cocozza S, Massarelli M, Brunetti A, De Michele G. Default-mode network changes in Huntington's Disease: an integrated MRI study of functional connectivity and morphometry. PLoS ONE 2013;8(8):e72159
  84. Quadri M, Fang M, Picillo M, Olgiati S, Breedveld G, Graafland J, Wu B, Xu F, Erro R, Amboni M, Pappatà S, Quarantelli M, Chien H, Barbosa E, Oostra BA, Barone P, Wang J, Bonifati, V. Mutation in the SYNJ1 gene associated with autosomal recessive, early-onset parkinsonism. Human Mutation 2013;34(9):1208-1215
  85. Quarantelli M, Giardino G, Prinster A, Aloj G, Carotenuto B, Cirillo E, Marsili A, Salvatore E, Del Giudice E, Pignata C. Steroid treatment in Ataxia-Telangiectasia induces alterations of functional magnetic resonance imaging during prono-supination task. Eur J Paediatr Neurol 2013 Mar;17(2):135-40
  86. Lanzillo R, Bonavita S, Quarantelli M, Vacca G, Lus G, Amato L, Carotenuto A, Tedeschi G, Orefice G, Brescia Morra V. Natalizumab is effective in multiple sclerosis patients switching from other disease modifying therapies in clinical practice. Neurol Sci 2013 Apr;34(4):521-8
  87. Saccà, Marsili A, Quarantelli M, Brescia Morra V, Brunetti A, Carbone R, Pane C, Puorro G, Russo CV, Salvatore E, Tucci T, De Michele G, Filla A. A randomized clinical trial of lithium in multiple system atrophy. J Neurol 2013;260(2):458-61
  88. Jacobs AH, Tavitian B, and the INMiND consortium. Noninvasive molecular imaging of neuroinflammation. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 2012;32,1393-1415
  89. Volpe U, Mucci A, Quarantelli M, Galderisi S, Maj M. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex volume in patients with deficit or nondeficit schizophrenia. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2012 Jun 1;37(2):264-9
  90. De Rosa A, Rossi F, Lieto M, Bruno R, De Renzo A, Palma V, Quarantelli M, De Michele G. Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord in a vegan. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2012;114(7):1000-1002
  91. Vassallo M, Maruotti M, Quarantelli M, Pastore G, Paladini D. Choroid plexus carcinoma: prenatal characterization by 3-dimensional sonography and magnetic resonance imaging, perinatal management, and natural history. J Ultrasound Med. 2012 Feb;31(2):337-9
  92. Lanzillo R, Quarantelli M, Bonavita S, Ventrella G, Lus G, Vacca G, Prinster A, Orefice G, Tedeschi G, Brescia Morra V. Natalizumab vs interferon beta 1a in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a head-to-head retrospective study. Acta Neurol Scand 2012;126(5):306-314
  93. Paladini D, Quarantelli M, Pastore G, Sorrentino M, Sglavo G, Nappi C. Abnormal or delayed development of the posterior membranous area of the brain: anatomy, ultrasound diagnosis, natural history and outcome of Blake's pouch cyst in the fetus. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Mar;39(3):279-87
  94. Saccà F, Quarantelli M, Rinaldi C, Tucci T, Piro R, Perrotta G, Carotenuto B, Marsili A, Palma V, De Michele G, Brunetti A, Brescia Morra V, Filla A, Salvatore M. A randomized controlled clinical trial of growth hormone in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: clinical, neuroimaging, and hormonal results. J Neurol. 2012 Jan;259(1):132-8
  95. Bastianello S, Giugni E, Amato MP, Tola MR, Trojano M, Galletti S, Luccichenti G, Quarantelli M, Picconi O, Patti F; COGIMUS study group. Changes in magnetic resonance imaging disease measures over 3 years in mildly disabled patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis receiving interferon Β-1a in the COGnitive Impairment in MUltiple Sclerosis (COGIMUS) study. BMC Neurol. 2011 Oct 14;11:125.
  96. Lanzillo R, Di Somma C, Quarantelli M, Ventrella G, Gasperi M, Prinster A, Vacca G, Pivonello C, Orefice G, Colao A, Morra VB. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF-binding protein-3 serum levels in relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis patients. Eur J Neurol. 2011 Dec;18(12):1402-6
  97. Alfano B, Comerci M, Larobina M, Prinster A, Hornak JP, Selvan SE, Amato U, Quarantelli M, Tedeschi G, Brunetti A, Salvatore M. An MRI digital brain phantom for validation of segmentation methods. Med Image Anal. 2011 Jun;15(3):329-39
  98. Santoro L, Breedveld GJ, Manganelli F, Iodice R, Pisciotta C, Nolano M, Punzo F, Quarantelli M, Pappatà S, Di Fonzo A, Oostra BA, Bonifati V. Novel ATP13A2 (PARK9) homozygous mutation in a family with marked phenotype variability. Neurogenetics. 2011 Feb;12(1):33-9
  99. Piazza O, De Robertis E, Caranci F, Quarantelli M, Tufano R. Riedel's thyroiditis and cerebral venous sinuses thrombosis: a case report. Panminerva Med. 2010 Dec;52(4):362-4
  100. Amorosi S, Vigliano I, Del Giudice E, Panico L, Maruotti GM, Fusco A, Quarantelli M, Ciccone C, Ursini MV, Martinelli P, Pignata C. Brain alteration in a Nude/SCID fetus carrying FOXN1 homozygous mutation. J Neurol Sci. 2010 Nov 15;298(1-2):121-3.
  101. Pappatà S, Varrone A, Vicidomini C, Milan G, De Falco C, Sansone V, Iavarone A, Comerci M, Lorè E, Panico MR, Quarantelli M, Postiglione A, Salvatore M. SPECT imaging of GABA(A)/benzodiazepine receptors and cerebral perfusion in mild cognitive impairment. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2010 Jun;37(6):1156-63
  102. Lanzillo R, Orefice G, Quarantelli M, Rinaldi C, Prinster A, Ventrella G, Spitaleri D, Lus G, Vacca G, Carotenuto B, Salvatore E, Brunetti A, Tedeschi G, Brescia Morra V. Atorvastatin combined to interferon to verify the efficacy (ACTIVE) in relapsing-remitting active multiple sclerosis patients: a longitudinal controlled trial of combination therapy. Mult Scler. 2010 Apr;16(4):450-4
  103. Prinster A, Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Orefice G, Vacca G, Carotenuto B, Alfano B, Brunetti A, Morra VB, Salvatore M. A voxel-based morphometry study of disease severity correlates in relapsing-- remitting multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 2010 Jan;16(1):45-54
  104. de Leva MF, Filla A, Criscuolo C, Tessa A, Pappatà S, Quarantelli M, Bilo L, Peluso S, Antenora A, Longo D, Santorelli FM, De Michele G. Complex phenotype in an Italian family with a novel mutation in SPG3A. J Neurol. 2010 Mar;257(3):328-31. Epub 2009 Sep 19.
  105. Maruotti GM, Paladini D, Napolitano R, Mazzarelli LL, Russo T, Quarantelli M, D'Armiento MR, Martinelli P. Prenatal 2D and 3D ultrasound diagnosis of diprosopus: case report with post-mortem magnetic resonance images (MRI) and review of the literature. Prenat Diagn. 2009 Oct;29(10):992-4
  106. Criscuolo C, Filla A, Coppola G, Rinaldi C, Carbone R, Pinto S, Wang Q, de Leva MF, Salvatore E, Banfi S, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M, Geschwind DH, Pappatà S, De Michele G. Two novel CYP7B1 mutations in Italian families with SPG5: a clinical and genetic study. J Neurol. 2009 Aug;256(8):1252-7
  107. Iaccarino C, Tedeschi E, Rapanà A, Massarelli I, Belfiore G, Quarantelli M, Bellotti A. Is the distance between mammillary bodies predictive of a thickened third ventricle floor? J Neurosurg 2009;110(5):852-7
  108. Napolitano R, Maruotti GM, Quarantelli M, Martinelli P, and Paladini D. Prenatal Diagnosis of Seckel Syndrome on 3-Dimensional Sonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging J. Ultrasound Med. 2009;28:369-374
  109. Tedeschi G, Dinacci D, Comerci M, Lavorgna L, Savettieri G, Quattrone A, Livrea P, Patti F, Brescia Morra V, Servillo G, Orefice G, Paciello M, Prinster A, Coniglio G, Bonavita S, Di Costanzo A, Bellacosa A, Valentino P, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A, Salemi G, DAmelio M, Simone IL, Salvatore M, Bonavita V, Alfano B. Brain atrophy evolution and lesion load accrual in multiple sclerosis: a 2-year follow-up study. Mult Scler 2009;15(2):204-11.
  110. Fonti R, Salvatore B, Quarantelli M, Sirignano C, Segreto S, Petruzziello F, Catalano L, Liuzzi R, Rotoli B, Del Vecchio S, Pace L, and Salvatore M. 18F-FDG-PET/CT, 99mTc-MIBI and MRI in the evaluation of patients with multiple mieloma. J Nucl Med 2008;49(2):195-200
  111. Galderisi S, Quarantelli M, Volpe U, Mucci A, Cassano GB, Invernizzi G, Rossi A, Vita A, Pini S, Cassano P, Daneluzzo E, De Peri L, Stratta P, Brunetti A, and Maj M. Patterns of Structural MRI Abnormalities in Deficit and Nondeficit Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2008;34:393-401
  112. Martinelli P, Maruotti GM, Oppedisano R, Agangi A, Mazzarelli LL, Votino C, Quarantelli M, Iaccarino V. Is uterine artery embolization for cervical ectopic pregnancy always safe? J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2007 Nov-Dec;14(6):758-63
  113. De Leva MF, Varrone A, Filla A, Quarantelli M, Bilo L, Piscitelli V, Salvatore E, Ammendola S, Striano S, De Michele G, Bonavita V, Pappatà S. Neuroimaging follow-up in a case of Rasmussen's encephalitis with dyskinesias. Mov Disord 2007;22(14):2117-2121
  114. Tedeschi G, Dinacci D, Lavorgna L, Prinster A, Savettieri G, Quattrone A, Livrea P, Messina C, Reggio A, Servillo G, Bresciamorra V, Orefice G, Paciello M, Brunetti A, Paolillo A, Coniglio G, Bonavita S, Di Costanzo A, Bellacosa A, Valentino P, Quarantelli M, Patti F, Salemi G, Cammarata E, Simone I, Salvatore M, Bonavita V, Alfano B. Correlation between fatigue and brain atrophy and lesion load in multiple sclerosis patients independent of disability. J Neurol Sci 2007;263(1-2):15-9
  115. Paladini D, Maruotti GM, Sglavo G, Fratellanza G, Quarantelli M, Martinelli P. Massive fetal hemorrhage and fetomaternal alloimmune thrombocytopenia from human platelet antigen 5b incompatibility: an unusual association. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2007 Mar 27;29(4):471-474
  116. Imbriaco M, Spinelli L, Cuocolo A, Maurea S, Sica G, Quarantelli M, Pisani A, Liuzzi R,Cianciaruso B, Sabbatini M, Salvatore M. MRI Characterization of Myocardial Tissue in Patients with Fabry's Disease. Am J Roentgenol 2007;188(3):850-853
  117. Berkouk K, Quarantelli M, Prinster A, Landeau B, Alfano B, Baron JC. Mapping the relative contribution of gray matter activity vs volume in brain PET: a new approach. J Neuroimaging 2006; 16:224-235
  118. Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Del Vecchio W, Mollica C, Prinster A, Iadicicco L, Iodice V, Santoro L, Salvatore M. Modifications of brain tissue volumes in facioscapulohumeral dystrophy. NeuroImage 2006; 32(3):1237-1242
  119. Volpe P, Paladini D, Resta M, Stanziano A, Salvatore M, Quarantelli M, De Robertis V, Buonadonna AL, Caruso G, Gentile M. Characteristics, associations and outcome of partial agenesis of the corpus callosum in the fetus. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2006 May;27(5):509-16
  120. Prinster A, Quarantelli M, Orefice G, Lanzillo R, Brunetti A, Mollica C, Salvatore E, Brescia Morra V, Coppola G, Vacca G, Alfano B, Salvatore M. Grey matter loss in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a Voxel-Based Morphometry study. NeuroImage 2006 Feb 1;29(3):859-67
  121. Paladini D, Sglavo G, Quarantelli M, D'Armiento MR, Martinelli P, Salvatore M. Large infratentorial subdural hemorrhage diagnosed by ultrasound and MRI in a second-trimester fetus. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2005 Dec;26(7):789-91
  122. Tedeschi G, Lavorgna L, Russo P, Prinster A, Dinacci D, Savettieri G, Quattrone A, Livrea P, Messina C, Reggio A, Bresciamorra V, Orefice G, Paciello M, Brunetti A, Coniglio G, Bonavita S, Di Costanzo A, Bellacosa A, Valentino P, Quarantelli M, Patti F, Salemi G, Cammarata E, Simone IL, Salvatore M, Bonavita V, Alfano B. Brain atrophy and lesion load in a large population of patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurology 2005 Jul;65(2):280-285
  123. Quarantelli M, Berkouk K, Prinster A, Landeau B, Svarer C, Balkay L, Alfano B, Brunetti A, Baron JC, Salvatore M. Integrated software for the analysis of brain PET/SPECT studies with Partial Volume Effect Correction. J Nucl Med. 2004 Feb;45(2):192-201
  124. Quarantelli M, Ciarmiello A, BresciaMorra V, Orefice G, Larobina M, Lanzillo R, Schiavone V, Alfano B, Brunetti A. Brain Tissue Volume Changes in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: Correlation with Lesion Load. NeuroImage. 2003 Feb;18(2):360-366
  125. Camera L, Del Vecchio S, Quarantelli M, Ibello F, Pellegrino T, Salvatore M. Radiolabeled somatostatin analogs in the diagnosis and staging of neuroendocrine tumors. J Endocrinol Invest. 2003;26(8 Suppl):60-2.
  126. Varrone A, Pappatà S, Caracò C, Soricelli A, Milan G, Quarantelli M, Alfano B, Postiglione A, Salvatore M. Voxel-based comparison of rCBF SPET images in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease highlights the involvement of different cortical networks. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2002 Nov;29(11):1447-1454
  127. Quarantelli M , Larobina M, Volpe U, Amati G, Tedeschi E, Ciarmiello A, Brunetti A, Galderisi S, Alfano B. Stereotaxy-based regional brain volumetry applied to segmented MRI: validation and results in deficit and nondeficit schizophrenia. NeuroImage. 2002 Sep;17:373-384
  128. Meyer-Lindenberg A, Miletich RW, Kohn PD, Esposito G, Carson RE, Quarantelli M , Weinberger DR, Berman KF. Reduced prefrontal activity predicts exaggerated striatal dopaminergic function in schizophrenia. Nat Neurosci. 2002 Mar;5(3):267-71
  129. Ciarmiello A, Brunetti A, Larobina M, Quarantelli M, Ziviello M, Alfano B, Salvatore M.  Assessment of scanner performance and normalization of estimated relaxation rate values. Magn Reson Imaging 2001;19:123-128
  130. Camera L, Selva G, Puzziello A, Sparano L, Ignarra R, Quarantelli M . [Castleman's disease: CT and MR findings in a case localized in the portocaval space]. Radiol Med (Torino). 2001 Sep;102(3):186-8.
  131. Alfano B, Brunetti A, Larobina M, Quarantelli M, Tedeschi E, Ciarmiello A, Covelli EM, Salvatore M. Automated Segmentation and Measurement of Global White Matter Lesion Volume in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. J Magn Reson Imaging 2000;12(6):799-807
  132. Brunetti A, Postiglione A, Tedeschi E, Ciarmiello A, Quarantelli M, Covelli EM, Milan G, Larobina M , Soricelli A, Sodano A , Alfano B. Measurement of global brain atrophy in Alzheimer's disease with unsupervised segmentation of spin-echo  MRI studies. J Magn Reson Imaging 2000;11(3):260-266
  133. Quarantelli M , Alfano B, Larobina M, Tedeschi E, Brunetti A, Covelli EM, Ciarmiello A, Mainolfi C, Salvatore M. Frequency encoding for simultaneous display of multimodality images. J Nucl Med 1999; 40(3):442-447
  134. Alfano B, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A, Larobina M, Covelli EM, tedeschi E, Salvatore M. Reproducibility of intracranial volume measurement by unsupervised multispectral segmentation. Magn Reson Med 1998 Mar ;39(3):497-499
  135. Mansi L, Rambaldi PF, Cuccurullo V, Pecori B, Quarantelli M , Fallanca F, Del Vecchio E. Diagnostic and prognostic role of 99m Tc-Tetrofosmin in breast cancer. The quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1997 Sep, 41(3):239-250
  136. Alfano B, Brunetti A, Covelli EM, Quarantelli M, Panico MR, Ciarmiello A, Salvatore M. Unspervised automated segmentation of the normal brain using a multispectral relaxometric MR approach. Magn Reson Med 1997 Jan;37(1):84-93
  137. Miletich RS, Bankiewicz KS, Quarantelli M, Plunkett RJ, Frank J, Kopin IJ, Di Chiro G. MRI detects acute degeneration of the nigrostriatal dopamine system after MPTP exposure in hemiparkinsonian monkeys. Ann Neurol 1994 Jun;35(6):689-97
  138. Miletich RS, Quarantelli M, Di Chiro G. Regional cerebral blood flow imaging with 99mTc-bicisate SPECT in asymmetric Parkinson's disease: studies with and without chronic drug therapy. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1994 Jan;14 Suppl 1:S106-14
  139. Salvati AM, d'Onofrio G, Berti P, Cappabianca MP, Marsili G, De Philippis C, Cossa L, Quarantelli M, Zini G, Mango G. An assessment of the operating characteristics of Coulter Counter Model S-Plus STKR. Haematologica 1991 Mar-Apr;76(2):94-103
  140. D'Onofrio G, Salvati AM, Berti P, Cappabianca MP, Marsili G, Quarantelli M , Zini G, Casini C, De Philippis C, Mango G, et al. Analysis of leucocyte populations with the Coulter S-Plus STKR as a screening tool for haematological abnormalities. Clin Lab Haematol 1991;13(1):51-66
  141. Valenza V, Maussier ML, D'Errico G, Lemmo GF, Frontera D, Ferrante A, Saletnich I, Valli A, Quarantelli M. Cancer of the pancreas and the periampullar region: usefulness of tumor markers produced with the monoclonal antibody technique. J Nucl Med Allied Sci 1990 Oct-Dec;34(4 Suppl):131-4
  142. D'Onofrio G, Menichella G, Zini G, Rumi C, Pierelli L, Quarantelli M , Puggioni PL, Mango G. Lymphocyte subset counting by immunoperoxidase using an automated routine hematologic analyzer. Haematologica 1989 Mar-Apr;74(2):137-42


  1. Varrone A, Pappatà S, Quarantelli M. Movement Disorders: Focus on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders. in A. Ciarmiello and L. Mansi Eds.: PET-CT and PET-MRI in Neurology (SWOT Analysis Applied to Hybrid Imaging). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2016. ISBN: 978-3-319-31614-7 pp103-125
  2. Caranci F, D'Arco F, D'Amico A, Russo C, Briganti F, Quarantelli M, Tedeschi E. Current Status and Future Prospective of Neuroimaging for Epilepsy. in P. Striano Ed.: Epilepsy Towards the Next Decade (New Trends and Hopes in Epileptology). Springer International Publishing, 1 jan 2015. ISBN: 978-3-319-12282-3 pp109-137
  3. Filla A, Antenora A, Quarantelli M, Brescia Morra V. [Multiple Sclerosis]. in P. Barone, A. Brunetti, P. Cappabianca, A. Filla, M. Gangemi, F. Maiuri, L. Santoro, and R. Spaziante Eds.: [Nervous System (Neurology - Neurosurgery - Neuroradiology)]. Idelson-Gnocchi, Naples, 2012. ISBN 978-88-7947-553-2, pp301-319
  4. Del Vecchio E, Mansi L, Rambaldi PF, Cuccurullo V, Pecori B, Quarantelli M , Capobianco D, Bresciani M. Breast imaging with 99mTc-Tetrofosmin. in Taillefer, Khalkali, Waxman, Biersack, Eds.: Radionuclide imaging of the breast. New York, NY: Dekker, 1998. ISBN 0-8247-0202-6 pp341-369


  1. Tranfa M, Scaravilli A, Petracca M, Moccia M, Quarantelli M, Cocozza S, Brunetti A, Pontillo G. Longitudinal mapping of structural disconnection and morphometric similarity in Multiple Sclerosis. Proceedings of the 2024 Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) , June 23-27 2024, Seoul, Korea, P1524
  2. Sorrentino P, Pathak A, Ziaeemehr A, Troisi Lopez E, Cipriano L, Romano A, Bonavita S, Quarantelli M, Banerjee A, Sorrentino G, Hashemi M, Jirsa V. The virtual multiple sclerosis patient: on the clinical-radiological paradox. Proceedings of the 2024 Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) , June 23-27 2024, Seoul, Korea, P1656
  3. De Maggi A, et Al. The effect of image reconstruction on DAT tracer distribution in an Anatomical Brain Phantom: a preliminary SPECT study. Proceedings of the 16th National Congress of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 20-23 June 2024, Milan, Italy
  4. Pirozzi MA, Gaudieri V, Prinster A, Magliulo M, Cuocolo A, Brunetti A, Alfano B, Quarantelli M. StepBrain - A Multicompartmental Anthropomorphic Brain Phantom to Simulate PET Activity Distributions. Proceedings of the 16th National Congress of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 20-23 June 2024, Milan, Italy
  5. Pirozzi MA, Di Giorgio E, Ciotola D, Imbimbo S, Pecchia G, Mansi L, Alfano B, Quarantelli M, Spadafora M. Simulation of Different Progression Stages of Alzheimer's Disease in Amyloid PET: First studies using an Anatomical Brain Phantom. Proceedings of the 16th National Congress of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 20-23 June 2024, Milan, Italy
  6. Pistoia F, Bernard A, Saporito G, Guerra F, Splendiani A, Quarantelli M. Switching of the Default Mode Network is different in episodic and chronic migraine: implications for chronification. Proceedings of the 9th Neurological Disorders Summit (NDS-2024), May 06-08 2024, Barcelona, Spain
  7. Feoli C, Brunetti A, Cuocolo A, Kaur J, Pacelli R, Paparo D, Quarantelli M, Rusciano G, Sasso A, Singh M, Valadan M, Altucci C. Ultra-small IONPs based phantom study for non-invasive MRI. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Processes in Isotopes and Molecules, 19-22 September 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  8. Sorrentino PP, Troisi Lopez E, Signoriello E, Baselice F, Quarantelli M, Sorrentino G, Jirsa V. THE TOPOCHRONIC MAP OF THE LARGE-SCALE BRAIN DYNAMICS. SIMAI Meeting Minisimposium "MS09 - A journey into brain imaging: from the MEG/EEG inverse problem to brain fingerprint". Aug 28 - Sep 1 2023, Matera, Italy.
  9. Sorrentino P, Petkoski S, Baselice F, Jirsa V, Sparaco M, Troisi Lopez E, Signoriello E, Bonavita S, Pirozzi MA, Quarantelli M, Sorrentino G. The topochronic map of the human brain dynamics. Proceedings from the 31st Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2022), July 16-20, 2022, Melbourne, Australia. J Comput Neurosci 2023;51(Suppl 1):S12-S13
  10. Petracca M, Pontillo G, Monti S, Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Costabile T, Carotenuto A, Tortora F, Elefante A, Brescia Morra V, Palma G, Cocozza S, Brunetti A. Clinical relevance of atrophy, myelin and iron brain microstructural alterations in multiple sclerosis: A multi-parameter MRI study. Abstracts from the 2021 World Congress of Neurology (WCN 2021). J Neurol Sci 2021;429(Supp l):118169
  11. Petracca M, Pontillo G, Cocozza S, Di Stasi M, Carotenuto A, Paolella C, Cipullo M, Perillo T, Vola E, Russo C, Masullo M, Moccia M, Lanzillo R, Tedeschi E, Elefante A, Brescia Morra V, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A. Estimating brain atrophy in clinical settings: linear measures of ventricular enlargement for evaluation of disease activity and long-term disability progression in Multiple Sclerosis. Proceedings of the 2020 AAN meeting. Neurology Apr 2020;94(15 Suppl.):2121
  12. Pistoia F, Splendiani A, Quarantelli M, Carolei A, Cerrone P, Frattale I, Sacco S. Functional connectivity changes within the salience network inpatients with chronic migraine. Proceedings of the 13th European Headache Federation Congress. The Journal of Headache and Pain 2019;20(Suppl 1):109
  13. Di Stasi M, Pontillo G, Russo C, Cipullo MB, Paolella C, Petrillo T, Vola EA, Lanzillo R, Carotenuto A, Masullo M, Elefante E, Brescia Morra V, Quarantelli M, Cocozza S, Petracca M, Brunetti A. PREDICTION OF LONG-TERM DISABILITY IN MULTIPLESCLEROSIS: A ROLE FOR LINEAR MEASURES OF BRAIN ATROPHY? Proceedings of the 42nd ESNR Annual Meeting, September 18th–22nd 2019, Oslo, Norway, Neuroradiology(2019) 61 (Suppl 1):S41
  14. Pistoia P, Splendiani A, Quarantelli M, Carolei A, Cerrone P, Frattale I, Sacco S. Atypical functional connectivity within the salience network in patients with chronic migraine. Proceedings of the 13th European Headache Federation Congress (30 May – 1 June 2019, Athens, Greece)
  15. Pistoia F, Quarantelli M, Splendiani A, Carolei A, Cerrone P, Frattale I, Sacco S. The behaviour of Intrinsic Connectivity Networks in episodic and chronic migraine. Proceedings of the 33rd national Congress of the Italian Society for the study of Migraine (14-16 June 2019, Naples, Italy)
  16. Amodio A, Quarantelli M, Mucci A, Prinster A, Soricelli A, Vignapiano A, Giordano GM, Nicita A, Bucci P, Galderisi S. Avolition and microstructural brain abnormalities in Schizophrenia: reduced fractional anisotropy in pathways connecting amygdala and insular cortex. Proceedings of the 31st Congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (6-9 october 2018, Barcelona, Spain). Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2019;29:S118-S119
  17. Giordano GM, Quarantelli M, Mucci A, Prinster A, Soricelli A, Amodio A, Vignapiano A, Nicita A, BucciP, Galderisi S. White matter structural connectivity abnormalities in subjects with Deficit Schizophrenia: a Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study. Proceedings of the 31st Congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (6-9 october 2018, Barcelona, Spain). Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2019;29:S110
  18. Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Comerci C, Cassiano MT, Costabile T, Prinster A, Megna R, Brescia Morra V, Brunetti. A Voxel-based analysis of relaxation rates in multiple sclerosis: correlates of cognitive impairment and physical disability. Proceedings of the 25th European Congress of Radiology. February 27- March 3 2019, Vienna, Austria
  19. Pontillo G, Cocozza S, Costabile T, Tedeschi E, Abate F, Russo C, Liguori A, Del Vecchio W, Paciello F, Quarantelli M, Filla A, Saccà F, Brunetti A. Cerebellar lobule atrophy predicts cognitive status in Friedreich's ataxia patients. Proceedings of the 41st annual meeting of the ESNR. 19-23 Sep 2018, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  20. Pontillo G, Cocozza S, Brunetti A, Brescia Morra V, Riccio E, Russo C, Saccà F, Tedeschi E, Pisani A, Quarantelli M. Reduced intracranial volume in Fabry disease: evidence of abnormal neurodevelopment? Proceedings of the 2018 Joint Annual ISMRM-ESMRMB Meeting, 16-21 June, Paris, France 6342
  21. Cocozza S, Costabile T, Tedeschi E, Abate F, Russo C, Liguori A, Del Vecchio W, Paciello F, Quarantelli M, Filla A, Saccà F, Brunetti A. Brain functional changes and cognitive dysfunction in Friedreich's ataxia. Proceedings of the 2018 Joint Annual ISMRM-ESMRMB Meeting, 16-21 June, Paris, France 5932
  22. Cocozza S, Pontillo G, Quarantelli M, Saccà F, Riccio E, Costabile T, Olivo G, Brescia Morra V, Pisani A, Tedeschi E, Brunetti A. Default mode network modifications in Fabry disease. Proceedings of the 2018 Joint Annual ISMRM-ESMRMB Meeting, 16-21 June, Paris, France 5908
  23. Cocozza S, Carotenuto A, Quarantelli M, Arcara G, Brescia Morra V, Tedeschi E, Orefice O, Bambini V, Iodice R, Brunetti A. Pragmatic abilities in multiple sclerosis: an RS-fMRI study. Proceedings of the 2018 Joint Annual ISMRM-ESMRMB Meeting, 16-21 June, Paris, France 5739
  24. Cognition in Friedreich Ataxia: a neuropsychological and RS-FMRI study. Saccà F, Cocozza S, Costabile T, Liguori A, Abate F, Paciello F, Russo C, Tedeschi E, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A, Filla A. Proceedings of the International Ataxia Research Conference, 27-30 Sep 2017, Pisa, Italy
  25. Monti S, Palma G, D'Avino V, Gerardi M, Ciardo D, Alterio D, Jereczek-Fossa BA, Quarantelli M, Pacelli R, Cella L. Regional dose differences associated with radiation-induced acute severe dysphagia. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2017;99(Suppl. 2):S50
  26. S. Cocozza, A. Carotenuto, M. Quarantelli, G. Arcara, V. Brescia Morra, E. Tedeschi, G. Orefice, V. Bambini, R. Iodice, A. Brunetti. Pragmatic abilities in multiple sclerosis: an RS-fMRI study. Proceedings of the VI Meeting of the Neapolitan Brain Group: 29. Naples, Italy, 14 December 2017
  27. S. Cocozza, G. Pontillo, M. Quarantelli, F. Saccà, E. Riccio, T. Costabile, G. Olivo, V. Brescia Morra, A. Pisani, E. Tedeschi, A. Brunetti. Default mode network modifications in Fabry disease. Proceedings of the VI Meeting of the Neapolitan Brain Group: 30. Naples, Italy, 14 December 2017
  28. S. Cocozza, T. Costabile, E. Tedeschi, F. Abate, C. Russo, A. Liguori, W. Del Vecchio, F. Paciello, M. Quarantelli, A. Filla, F. Saccà, A. Brunetti. Brain functional changes and cognitive dysfunction in Friedreich's ataxia. Proceedings of the VI Meeting of the Neapolitan Brain Group: 31. Naples, Italy, 14 December 2017
  29. G. Pontillo, S. Cocozza, V. Brescia Morra, E. Riccio, C. Russo, F. Saccà, E. Tedeschi, A. Pisani, M. Quarantelli, A. Brunetti. Reduced intracranial volume in Fabry disease: evidence of abnormal neurodevelopment? Proceedings of the VI Meeting of the Neapolitan Brain Group: 57. Naples, Italy, 14 December 2017
  30. Iodice R, Carotenuto A, Bambini V, Arcara G, Cocozza S, Quarantelli M. Pragmatic abilities in multiple sclerosis: An RS-fMRI study. Proceedings of the World Congress of Neurology, 16-21 Sep 2017 Kyoto, Japan. J Neurol Sci 2017;381:374-560
  31. Amodio A, Quarantelli M, Mucci A, Vignapiano A, Giordano GM, Nicita A, Galderisi S. Investigation of aberrant white matter structures in the Deficit Subtype of Schizophrenia: A DTI Study. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on BAsic and Clinical multimodal Imaging (BACI), 29.8 - 2.9.2017, Bern, Switzerland
  32. Amodio A, Quarantelli M, Mucci A, Vignapiano A, Giordano GM, Nicita A, Galderisi S. Avolition and white matter abnormalities in schizophrenia: evidence of reduced fractional anisotropy between amygdala and insular cortex. Proceedings of the 2017 International conference on BAsic and Clinical multimodal Imaging (BACI), 29.8 - 2.9.2017, Bern, Switzerland
  33. Saccà F,Cocozza S, Costabile T, Liguori A, Abate F, Paciello F, Russo C, Tedeschi E, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A, Filla A. Cognition in Friedreich Ataxia: A neuropsychological and RS-fMRI study. Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Eur J Neurol 2017;24(suppl. 1):569-570
  34. Carotenuto A, Cocozza S, Quarantelli M, Arcara G, Brescia Morra V, Tedeschi E, Orefice G, Brunetti A, Bambini V, Iodice R. Pragmatic abilities in multiple sclerosis: An rs-fMRI study. Eur J Neurol 2017;24(suppl. 1):491
  35. Quarantelli M. MRI modalities to investigate neuroinflammation in experimental and clinical studies. Proceedings of the VI Meeting of the Mediterranean Neuroscience Society. St. Julian's, Malta, 12-15 June 2017 S8.4
  36. Russo C, Cocozza S, Costabile T, Liguori A, Abate F, Paciello F, Tedeschi E, Quarantelli M, Saccà F, Brunetti A. Investigating cognitive functioning in Friedreich’s Ataxia: an RS-fMRI study. Proceedings of the 2017 Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping. Vancouver, Canada, 25-29 June 2017
  37. Pontillo G, Cocozza S, Saccà F, Riccio E, Costabile T, Olivo G, Migliaccio S, Quarantelli M, Tedeschi E, Pisani A, Brunetti A. Default Mode Network modifications in Fabry's Disease. Proceedings of the 2017 Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping. Vancouver, Canada, 25-29 June 2017
  38. D’Alterio FM, Melillo P, Della Corte M, Olivo G, Cocozza S, Prinster A, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M, Testa F, Simonelli F. Correlation between visual cortex activation and macular parameters in patients with Stargardt disease. Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). May 7-11 2017, Baltimore, MD, USA, B0518 Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2017;58(8):4645 (D'Alterio FM has been awarded with the Knights Templar Eye Foundation Travel Grant)
  39. Conson M, Cella L, D'Ippolito E, Piccolo F, Cocozza S, D'Avino V, Liuzzi R, Quarantelli M, Pacelli R. Feasibility of tract based dosimetric analysis in brain tumor patients. Proceedings of the 2017 Meeting of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO 36). May 5-9 2017, Vienna, Austria. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2017:123(Suppl.1):S334-S335
  40. Salvatore E, Sarappa C, Filla A, Cocozza S, Russo CV, Saccà F, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M, De Michele G. FUNCTIONAL MRI SIGNAL FLUCTUATIONS HIGHLIGHT ALTERED RESTING BRAIN ACTIVITY IN HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2016;87 (Suppl. 1):A39
  41. Lanzillo R, Carotenuto A, Di Somma C, Quarantelli M , Moccia M, Cianflone A, Marsili A, Puorro G, Sasso G, Pivonello C, Russo CV, Colao A, Brescia Morra V. Growth Hormone/IGF-I function in CIS patients is not associated MS conversion in Interferon beta-1b therapy. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2016. Eu J Neurol 2013;23(S2):400(P21113)
  42. Palma G, Monti S, Conson M, D'Avino V, Liuzzi R, Pressello MC, Donato V, Quarantelli M, Pacelli R, Cella L. Voxel Based Analysis of Dose Maps: Are We Addressing the Right Strategy? Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2016 Oct 1;96(2S):S223-S224
  43. Sarappa C, Cocozza S, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A. Neuronal activity changes in Huntington’s Disease: analysis of Amplitude and Regional Homogeneity of BOLD signal fluctuations. Proceedings of the 47th meeting of the Italian Society of Radiology (SIRM). Septemper 15-18 2016, Naples, Italy.
  44. D’Alterio FM, Melillo P, Di Iorio V, Olivo G, Prinster A, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M, Testa F, Simonelli F. Biofeedback Rehabilitation in Patients with Stargardt disease: a randomized controlled trial. Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). May 1-5 2016, Seattle, WA, USA. C0139
  45. Gargiulo S, Anzilotti S, Coda ARD, Gramanzini M, Greco A, Panico MR, Dollè F, Pignataro G, Quarantelli M, Annunziato L, Brunetti A, Salvatore M, Pappatà S. Imaging of brain TSPO expression in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with [18F]DPA-714 and micro-PET/CT. Proceedings of the Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, October 10-14 2015, Hamburg, Germany PW026
  46. A. Carotenuto, R. Lanzillo, F. Carbone, M. Quarantelli, D. Bruzzese,V. De Rosa, A. Colamatteo, C. De Luca Picione, M. Moccia, V. Brescia Morra, G. Matarese. Pro-inflammatory biomarkers predictive of poor response to interferon beta1a in Multiple Sclerosis. Proceedings of the XLVI congress of the Italian Society of Neurology (SIN). Genova (Italy) OCT 10-13, 2015
  47. M. Moccia, M. Quarantelli, R. Lanzillo, S. Cocozza, A. Carotenuto, B. Carotenuto, B. Alfano, A. Prinster, M. Triassi, R. Palladino, A. Brunetti, V. Brescia Morra. Grey/white matter ratio at diagnosis, and the risk of 10-year Multiple Sclerosis progression. Proceedings of the XLVI congress of the Italian Society of Neurology (SIN). Genova (Italy) OCT 10-13, 2015
  48. Lanzillo R, Carbone F, Quarantelli M, Bruzzese D, Carotenuto A, De Rosa V, Colamatteo A, De Luca Picione C, Moccia M, Brescia Morra V, Matarese G. Pro-inflammatory biomarkers predictive of poor response to Interferon beta1a in multiple sclerosis. Proceedings of the 31st ECTRIMS congress. Barcelona (ES) OCT 07-10, 2015. Mult Scl J 2015;21(S11):777
  49. M. Moccia, M. Quarantelli, R. Lanzillo, S. Cocozza, A. Carotenuto, B. Carotenuto, B. Alfano, A. Prinster, M. Triassi, R. Palladino, A. Brunetti, V. Brescia Morra. Grey/white matter ratio at diagnosis, and the risk of 10-year multiple sclerosis progression. Proceedings of the 31st ECTRIMS congress. Barcelona (ES) OCT 07-10, 2015. Mult Scl J 2015;21(S11):181
  50. Cocozza S, Saccà F, Cervo A, Marsili A, Russo CV, delle Acque Giorgio SM, De Michele G, Filla A, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M. MODIFICATIONS OF RESTING STATE NETWORKS IN SPINOCEREBELLAR ATAXIA TYPE 2. Proceedings of the 38th ESNR Annual Meeting, September 17 – 20 2015, NAPLES, ITALY, Neuroradiology (2015) 57 (Suppl 1):S68–S69
  51. Aiello M, Salvatore E, Cachia A, Pappatà S, Cavaliere C, Prinster A, Nicolai E, Salvatore M, Baron JC, Quarantelli M. A PET/MR study on the relationship between resting-state regional cerebral glucose metabolism and functional MRI. Proceedings of the meeting of the Italian Chapter of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Verona, Italy 16-17 April 2015; P25
  52. M. Conson; Cella L; M. Comerci; A. Faiella; R. Liuzzi; A. Albano; M. Salvatore; R. Pacelli; M. Quarantelli. DTI and attention function. Dose-response evaluation in partial brain irradiation. Radiotherapy and oncology 2014;111:S102
  53. Olgiati, S.; De Rosa, A.; Quadri, M.; Criscuolo, C.; Breedveld, G. J.; Picillo, M.; Graafland, J.; Pappata, S.; Quarantelli, M.; Barone, P.; De Michele, G.; Bonifati, V. (2014) Early-onset Parkinsonism caused by SYNJ1 p.Arg258Gln homozygous mutation in a new Italian family. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 18th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders. Mov Disord 2014;29:S59
  54. L. Durelli, S.F. De Mercanti, M.P. Sormani, F. Piazza, I. Schiavetti, D. Gned, V. Brescia Morra, R. Lanzillo, L. Amato, M. Quarantelli, A. Ghezzi, A. Bianchi, D. Baroncini, G. Salemi, S. Realmuto, M.T. Ferro', F. Vitetta, G. Superti, P. Cavalla, M. D’Onghia, D. Paolicelli, L. Pinessi, M. Trojano, M. Clerico. How to treat MS patients after the 24th natalizumab administration: the TY-STOP trial. Abstracts of the Joint Congress of European Neurology, Istanbul, TURKEY, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2014; Eur J Neurol 2014;21(S1):25 (OS1115)
  55. R. Lanzillo, M. Quarantelli, V. Veria, G. Orefice, M.G. Marrosu, M. Trojano, M.P. Amato, A.M. Francia, C. Florio, G. Tedeschi, P. Bellantonio, P. Annunziata, M. Comerci, A. Brunetti, V. Bonavita, B. Alfano, S. Marini, C. Pozzilli, V. Brescia Morra. Brain atrophy in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients treated with interferon-beta and atorvastatin (The ARIANNA study). Abstracts of the Joint Congress of European Neurology, Istanbul, TURKEY, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2014; Eur J Neurol 2014;21(S1):58 (OS2122)
  56. C. Criscuolo, R. Carbone, M. Lieto, S. Peluso, M. Quarantelli, R. Lanzillo, A. Filla, V. Brescia Morra, G. De Michele. CYP7B1 screening in multiple sclerosis patients shows association among new variants, pyramidal signs and autoimmune disease. Abstracts of the Joint Congress of European Neurology, Istanbul, TURKEY, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2014; Eur J Neurol 2014;21(S1):210 (EP2165)
  57. Clerico M, De Mercanti S, Versino E, Piazza F, Gned D, Brescia Morra V, Lanzillo R, Amato L, Quarantelli M, Ghezzi A, Bianchi A, Baroncini D, Salemi G, Realmuto S, Ferro MT, Vitetta F, Donghia M, Paolicelli D, Trojano M, Durelli L. Management of multiple sclerosis patients after the 24th Natalizumab course: the Ty-STOP study. Proceedings of the joint 29th ECTRIMS congress / 18th Annual Conference of Rehabilitation in MS. Copenhagen (DK) OCT 02-05, 2013 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL 19(11):S486
  58. Clerico M, De Mercanti S, Piazza P, Virgilio E, Gned D, Brescia Morra V, Lanzillo R, Amato L, Quarantelli M, Ghezzi A, Bianchi A, Baroncini D, Salemi G, Realmuto S, Ferrò MT, Vitetta F, Superti G, Cavalla P, D'Onghia M, Paolicelli D, Schiavetti I, Sormani MP, Pinessi L, Trojano M, Durelli L. Natalizumab Therapy, How to Treat How to Stop: The TY-STOP Study. Proceedings of the American Academy of Neurology 66th Annual Meeting, April 26 - May 3, 2014, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Neurology 2014;82(10 Suppl.):P7.216
  59. C. Vicidomini, A. Vinciguerra, A. Greco, M.R. Panico, S. Gargiulo, M. Gramanzini, A. R. D. Coda, G. Pignataro, M. Quarantelli, B. Tavitian, F. Dollé, A. Brunetti, M. Salvatore, L. Annunziato, S. Pappatà. Imaging of brain TSPO expression in a mouse model of stroke with [18F]DPA-714 and micro-PET. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2013;40(Suppl. 2):S450-S450
  61. E. Salvatore, M. Quarantelli, C.V. Russo, S.M. Giorgio, A. Cervo, S. Cocozza, L. Di Maio, A. Brunetti, A. Filla, G. De Michele. [Default-mode network alterations in Huntington's Disease]. Second joint LIMPE / DISMOV-SIN meeting. Rome, 9-11 October 2013
  62. A. Antenora, L. Bilo, S. Peluso, P. Ruosi, M. Quarantelli, G. De Michele. [A thalamic cavernous angioma: a case of emichores/aemiballism associated to gene PDCD10/CCM3 gene mutation]. Second joint LIMPE / DISMOV-SIN meeting. Rome, 9-11 October 2013 (poster)
  63. Giamundo A, Losi MA, Di Nardo C, Ronga I, Smarrazzo V, Brescia Morra V, Quarantelli M, Carotenuto B, Betocchi S. [Brain aneurysm and atrial myxoma.] Cardiologia ambulatoriale 2013;2:134-135
  64. Clerico M, De Mercanti S, Piazza F, Gned D, Brescia Morra V, Lanzillo R, Amato L, Quarantelli M, Ghezzi A, Bianchi A, Baroncini D, Gibbin M, Vargas J, Salemi G, Realmuto S, Ferrò MT, Vitetta F, Sola P, Paolicelli D, Trojano M, Durelli L. Natalizumab Discontinuation after the 24th Course: Which Is Way? The TY-STOP Study. Proceedings of the American Academy of Neurology 65th Annual Meeting, March 16-23, 2013, San Diego, CA, USA. P01.197
  65. Saccà F, Marsili A, Pane C, Brunetti A, De Michele G, Puorro G, Quarantelli M, Russo CV, Salvatore E, Filla A. A Pilot, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Trial of Lithium in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2. Proceedings of the American Academy of Neurology 65th Annual Meeting, March 16-23, 2013, San Diego, CA, USA. S43.005
  66. C. Vicidomini · A. Vinciguerra · A. Greco · MR. Panico · S. Gargiulo · M. Gramanzini · ARD. Coda · G. Pignataro · M. Quarantelli · B. Tavitian · F. Dollé · A. Brunetti · M. Salvatore · L. Annunziato · S. Pappatà. In vivo imaging of TSPO expression in mouse brain after transient MCAO using microPET-CT and [18]F-DPA714. Proceedings of the EMIM 2013; 05/2013
  67. Saccà F, Marsili A, Brunetti A, Carbone R, De Michele G, Pane C, Russo CV, Salvatore E, Tucci T, Quarantelli M, Filla A. Lithium in Multisystem Atrophy: Lack of Efficacy and Safety Issues. Neurology 2012;78(Suppl. 1):P06073
  68. V. Brescia Morra, B. Alfano, R. Lanzillo, M. Quarantelli, M. Comerci, S. Marini, G. Vacca, M.P. Amato, M. Trojano, A. Brunetti, C. Pozzilli Efficacy, safety and tolerability of Atorvastatin in patients with Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis in treAtment with INterferoN-betA (ARIANNA): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group-study. Proceedings of the 23rd ECTRIMS Meeting. 10-13 oct 2012, Lyon, France. P477
  69. M. Clerico, S. De Mercanti, F. Piazza, D. Gned, V. Brescia Morra, R. Lanzillo, L. Amato, M. Quarantelli, A. Ghezzi, A. Bianchi, D. Baroncini, M. Gibbin, J. Vargas, G. Salemi, S. Realmuto, M.T. Ferrò, F. Vitetta, L. Mascolo, D. Paolicelli, M. Trojano, L. Durelli. Looking for the best therapeutical strategy after the 24th natalizumab administration. The TY-STOP study. Proceedings of the 23rd ECTRIMS Meeting. 10-13 oct 2012, Lyon, France. P 976
  70. C. Vicidomini · MR. Panico · A. Greco · S. Gargiulo · M. Larobina · M. Gramanzini · G. Roviello · M. Quarantelli · B. Alfano · B. Tavitian · F. Dollé · M. Salvatore · A. Brunetti · S. Pappatà. In vivo study of biodistribution and specific binding of [18 F] DPA-714, a traslocator protein–specific (TSPO) radioligand, in mice with microPET-CT. Proceedings of the 10th National Congress of the Italian Association of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2011; 03/2011
  71. C. Vicidomini · MR. Panico · A. Greco · S. Gargiulo · M. Larobina · M. Gramanzini · G. Roviello · M. Quarantelli · B. Alfano · B. Tavitian · F. Dollé · M. Salvatore · A. Brunetti · S. Pappatà. In vivo imaging of TSPO in mouse peripheral tissues and brain using microPET-CT and [18F]DPA-714. Proceedings of the EMIM 2011; 06/2011
  72. R. Lanzillo, C. Di Somma, M. Quarantelli, G. Ventrella, G. Vacca, R. Liuzzi, L. Amato, G. Orefice, A. Colao, V. Brescia Morra. GROWTH HORMONE AXIS IN EARLY MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS BEFORE AND AFTER 2 YEARS TREATMENT WITH INTERFERON Beta-1B - AN INTERIM ANALYSIS. Proceedings of the XLII Meeting of the Italian society of Neurology (SIN), 22-25 October 2011 Turin, Italy. P630
  73. S. Bastianello, E. Giugni, M.P. Amato, M.R. Tola, M. Trojano, S. Galletti, M. Quarantelli, F. Patti on behalf of the COGIMUS study group. Changes in magnetic resonance imaging disease measures over 3 years in mildly disabled patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis receiving IFN beta-1a, 22 or 44mcg sc tiw, in the COGnitive Impairment in MUltiple Sclerosis study. Mult Scler 2010 16:S138
  74. M. Quarantelli, R. Lanzillo, A. Prinster, G. Ventrella, B. Carotenuto, G. Vacca, A. Brunetti, G. Orefice, V. Brescia Morra. Regional GM loss in MS: a comparison between primary progressive and relapsing-remitting MS phenotypes.Mult Scler 2010 16:S258
  75. Lanzillo R, Di Somma C, Quarantelli M, Gasperi M, Ventrella G, Prinster A, Vacca G, Orefice G, Colao A, Brescia Morra V (2010). Serum levels of insulin-like growth factor- I and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 in relapsing and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, vol. 257 MA P672, p. S222, ISSN: 0340-5354
  76. Palma G, Comerci M, Prinster A, Quarantelli M, Alfano B. Generalized Formalism of the Extended Phase Diagram and Computational Applications Including an MRI Simulator. Proceedings of the ISMRM and ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 1-7 may 2010, P3112
  77. F. Saccà, M. Quarantelli, C. Rinaldi, T. Tucci, R. Piro, G. Perrotta, B. Carotenuto, A. Marsili, V. Palma, V. Brescia Morra, A. Brunetti, A. Filla, M. Salvatore. A randomized trial of Growth Hormone as add-on therapy to riluzole in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Proceedings of the XLI Meeting of the Italian society of Neurology. 23-27 October 2010, Catania, Italy.
  78. V. Brescia Morra, A. Prinster, R. Lanzillo, B. Carotenuto, G. Ventrella, G. Vacca, G. Orefice, A. Brunetti, M. Quarantelli. Regional GM loss in MS: a comparison between primary-progressive and relapsing-remitting MS phenotypes. Proceedings of the XLI Meeting of the Italian society of Neurology. 23-27 October 2010, Catania, Italy.
  79. S. Bastianello, E. Giugni, M. Amato, M. Tola, M. Trojano, S. Galletti, M. Quarantelli, F. Patti. Changes in magnetic resonance imaging disease measures over 3 years in mildly disabled patients with relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis receiving IFN beta-1a, 22 or 44 mcg sc tiw, in the cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis (COGIMUS)study. Proceedings of the XLI Meeting of the Italian society of Neurology. 23-27 October 2010, Catania, Italy.
  80. R. Lanzillo, M. Quarantelli, G. Ventrella, A. Prinster, G. Vacca, B. Carotenuto, G. Orefice, V. Brescia Morra. Natalizumab versus IFN beta 1a in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis patients: a case-control study. Proceedings of the XLI Meeting of the Italian society of Neurology. 23-27 October 2010, Catania, Italy.
  81. Criscuolo C, Filla A, Coppola C, Rinaldi C, Carbone R, Pinto S, Wang Q, De Leva MF, Salvatore E, Quarantelli M, Geschwind D, Pappatà S, De Michele G. Two Novel CYP7B1 Mutations in Italian Families with Autosomal Recessive Spastic Paraplegia: A Clinical and Genetic Study. Proc. of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Americal Academy of Neurology. Seattle 25 April - 2 May 2009 Neurology 2009;72:A7
  82. Lanzillo R, Di Somma C, Quarantelli M, Ventrella G, Prinster A, Vacca G, Orefice G, Colao AM, Brescia Morra V (2009). Serum levels of insulin like growth factor-1 and insulin like growth factor binding protein-3 in relapsing and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, vol. 15, p. S87-S88
  83. Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Prinster A, Mollica C, Orefice G, Brunetti A, Vacca G, Salvatore M, Morra VB. Relationship between Clinical Aspects in Early Phases of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis and Subsequent Brain Volume Changes. Proc. of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Americal Academy of Neurology. Seattle 25 April - 2 May 2009 - Neurology 2009;72(11 Suppl. 3): A139-A140
  84. Saccà F, Quarantelli M, Rinaldi C, Tucci T, Piro R, Carotenuto B, Marsili A, Palma V, Bresciamorra V, Brunetti A, De Michele G, Filla A, Salvatore M. A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Trial of Growth Hormone as Add-On Therapy to Riluzole in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Preliminary MRS, Hormonal, and Population Analysis. Proc. of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Americal Academy of Neurology. Seattle 25 April - 2 May 2009 - Neurology 2009;72 (11 Suppl. 3):A363
  85. Lanzillo R, Di Somma MC, Quarantelli M, Ventrella G, Prinster A, Vacca G, Orefice G, Colao A M., Brescia Morra V (2009). Serum levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 in relapsing and secondary progressive IFN beta treated MS patients. JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol. 285, p. S105
  86. Quarantelli M, Saccà F, Marsili A, Carotenuto B, Brunetti A, Brescia Morra V, Filla A, Salvatore M. A longitudinal study of clinical correlates of progressive NAA loss in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Proceedings of the XXIV Meeting of the Italian Association of NeuroRadiology (AINR), 1-3 October 2008 Rome, Italy
  87. Vicidomini C, Comerci M, Salvatore E, Quarantelli M, Varrone A, Evangelista L, Prinster A, Morra VB, Brunetti A, Salvatore M, Alfano B, Pappata S. Combined MRI and PET-18FDG study in patients with primary progressive (PP) and relapsing remitting (RR) multiple sclerosis (MS). proceedings of the DiMI/EMIL Annual Meeting 2008
  88. Quarantelli M, Prinster A, Lanzillo R, Vacca G, Mollica C, Carotenuto B, Marsili A, Salvatore E, Caranci F, Elefante A, Orefice G, Brescia Morra V, Brunetti A. A Voxel-Based Morphometry study of clinical correlates of regional brain tissue loss in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Proceedings of the XXIV Meeting of the Italian Association of NeuroRadiology (AINR), 1-3 October 2008 Rome, Italy
  89. Brescia Morra V, Prinster A, Lanzillo R, Quarantelli M, Vacca G, Mollica C, Salvatore E, Alfano B, Schiamone V, Brunetti A, Orefice G. Correlation of disease severity and regional brain tissue loss in relapsing-remitting MS: a voxel-based morphometry study in a large population. Proceedings of the World Congress on Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis. 17-20 September 2008 Montreal, Canada (P236)
  90. Prinster A, Lanzillo R, Quarantelli M, Vacca G, Mollica C, Salvatore E, Alfano B, Schiavone V, Brunetti A, Orefice G, Brescia Morra V. Correlation of disease severity and regional brain tissue loss in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a VBM study in a large population. Proceedings of the XXXIX Meeting of the Italian society of Neurology (SIN), 18-22 October 2008 Naples, Italy. Neurological Sciences 2008;29(suppl):S28
  91. Quarantelli M, Saccà F, Carotenuto B, Marsili A, Rinaldi C, Tucci T, Piro R, Palma V, Brunetti A, Brescia Morra V, Salvatore M, Filla A. Motoneuron loss and disease progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: a longitudinal spectroscopy study at 3 Tesla. Proceedings of the XXXIX Meeting of the Italian society of Neurology (SIN), 18-22 October 2008 Naples, Italy Neurological Sciences 2008;29(suppl):S28
  92. G. Comanducci, S. Bonavita, V. Bonavita, V. Bresciamorra, C. Caltagirone, M. Comerci, G. Coniglio, D. Dinacci, L. Lavorgna, P. Livrea, R. Mannu, R. Migliaccio, M. Musicco, A. Nicoletti, U. Nocentini, M. Paciello, F. Patti, M. Quarantelli, A. Quattrone, G. Salemi, G. Savettieri, I. Simone, P. Valentino, B. Alfano, G. Tedeschi. The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) for cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis (MS): a two years longitudinal study in 300 patients. Proceedings of the XXXIX Meeting of the Italian society of Neurology (SIN), 18-22 October 2008 Naples, Italy Neurological Sciences 2008;29(suppl):S45
  93. F. Saccà, M. Quarantelli, C. Rinaldi, T. Tucci, R. Piro, B. Carotenuto, A. Marsili, V. Palma, V. Brescia Morra, A. Brunetti, A. Filla, M. Salvatore. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of growth hormone as add-on therapy to riluzole in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: preliminary data and population analysis. Proceedings of the XXXIX Meeting of the Italian society of Neurology (SIN), 18-22 October 2008 Naples, Italy Neurological Sciences 2008;29(suppl):S80
  94. M.F. De Leva, G. De Michele, S. Pappatà, M. Quarantelli, L. Bilo, F. Santorelli, A. Filla. SPG3A: a novel mutation associated with cerebellar atrophy. Proceedings of the XXXIX Meeting of the Italian society of Neurology (SIN), 18-22 October 2008 Naples, Italy Neurological Sciences 2008;29(suppl):S205
  95. R. Lanzillo, R. Liuzzi, V. Scarano, A. Prinster, G. Vacca, C. Florio, M. Quarantelli, V. Schiavone, A. Brunetti, G. Orefice, B. Alfano, V. Bresciamorra. Neutralizing antibodies in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis interferon beta-1b treated patients: effects on clinical, neuropsychological and quantitative MRI outcome measures and predictive factors. Proceedings of the XXXIX Meeting of the Italian society of Neurology (SIN), 18-22 October 2008 Naples, Italy Neurological Sciences 2008;29(suppl):S47
  96. Orefice G, Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Brunetti A, Salvatore P, Prinster A, Vacca G, Mollica C, Bonavita V, Brescia Morra V, Prinster A. An open-label randomised clinical trial of atorvastatin in combination with IFN Beta 1a in active multiple sclerosis patients: preliminary results. Proceedings of the 18th Meeting of the European Neurological Society. 7-11 June 2008, Nice, France P722
  97. Sirignano C, Quarantelli M, Soscia E, Soscia F, Camera L, Salvatore M. [Role of the imaging techniques in the staging and the management of the solitary pulmonary nodules]. (Ruolo delle tecniche di imaging nella stadiazione e nel management del nodulo polmonare solitario. Proceedings of the 43th Meeting of the Italian Society of Radiology (SIRM). Rome 23-27 May 2008 C-12/21
  98. Prinster A, Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Mollica C, Salvatore P, Orefice G, Alfano B, Brescia Morra V, Brunetti A, and Salvatore M. Correlation of regional brain tissue loss and disease severity in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: a VBM study in a large patient population. Proceedings of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM, Toronto 3-9- May 2008
  99. Quarantelli M, Orefice G, Prinster A, Lanzillo R, Salvatore P, Mollica C, Salvatore E, Brunetti A, Alfano B, Brescia Morra V. Is Brain Atrophy Progression in RR-MS Slowed by the Association of Atorvastatin and Interferon Beta-1a? Preliminary Results from an Open-Label, Randomized, Clinical Study. Proc. of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Americal Academy of Neurology. Chicago 12-19 April 2008 P02.138
  100. Orefice G, Quarantelli M, Salvatore P, Brunetti A, Lanzillo R, Prinster A, Vacca G, Mollica C, Bonavita V, Brescia Morra V. Interferon Beta-1a and Atorvastatin Combination Therapy: 12-Month Results from an Open-Label, Randomized, Clinical Study. Proc. of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Americal Academy of Neurology. Chicago 12-19 April 2008 P02.139
  101. Orefice G, Quarantelli M, Salvatore P, Brunetti A, Lanzillo R, Prinster A, Vacca G, Mollica C, Bonavita V, Brescia Morra V. An open label randomised clinical trial of atorvastatin in combination with IFN beta-1a in active MS patients: 12 months results. Multiple Sclerosis 2007;13(suppl.2):s56-S57
  102. Fonti R, Salvatore B, Quarantelli M, Sirignano C, Segreto S, Petruzziello F, Catalano L, Del Vecchio S, Pace L, Salvatore M, Rotoli B. F-18-FDG-PET/CT, 99mTC-MIBI and MRI in the evaluation of patients with multiple myeloma. Proc. of the 41th Congress of the Italian Society for Hematology. Bologna, Italy, October 14-17 2007. Haematologica 2007;92(s3):141-142
  103. Paladini D, Sglavo G, Quarantelli M, Vassallo M, Nappi C. Multimodal diagnostic flow chart for prenatal characterization of CNS abnormalities in a tertiary referral center: the role of MRI. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2007 Sep 21;30(4):415-416
  104. Quarantelli M. Merging structural and functional information in neuroimaging: quantitative approaches (invited lecture). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for Molecular Imaging, 14-15 June 2007, Naples, Italy (p8)
  105. Fonti R, Salvatore B, Quarantelli M, Sirignano C, Segreto S, Petruzziello F, Catalano L, Rotoli B, Del Vecchio S, Pace L, Salvatore M. Multimodality imaging with 18F-FDG-PET/CT, 99mTc-MIBI and MRI of multiple myeloma. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for Molecular Imaging, 14-15 June 2007, Naples, Italy. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING, vol. 33, p. S188
  106. Comerci M, Larobina M, Prinster A, Ciscognetti N, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A, Salvatore M, Alfano B. MRI Brain study simulation. Proceedings of ISMRM 2007, Berlin 19-25 May, (EPOS 3698)
  110. M.F. DE LEVA, L. BILO, A. VARRONE, M. QUARANTELLI, S. STRIANO, A. FILLA,V. BONAVITA. RASMUSSEN'S ENCEPHALITIS: A CASE WITH ADULT ONSET AND DYSKINESIAS. Proceedings of the XXXVII Meeting of the Italian society of Neurology (SIN), 14-18 October 2006 Bari, Italy. p215
  111. Vassallo M, Sglavo G, Penner I, Quarantelli M, Paladini D. [2d-US vs 3D-US vs MRI in prenatal diagnosis of CNS anomalies] (Ecografia a 2D vs 3D vs MRI nella diagnosi prenatale delle anomalie del SNC). Proceedings of the 15th National Congress of the Italian Society of Obstetric/Gynecological Echography and Biophysical Methodologies. Brescia, Italy, 23-27 September 2006
  112. R. Lanzillo, M. Quarantelli, V. Iodice , W. Del Vecchio, C. Fiorillo, A. Prinster, F. Manganelli, C. Mollica, M. Salvatore, L. Santoro. Modifications of brain tissue volumes in FacioScapuloHumeral Dystrophy. Proceedings of the Joint Congress of the Italian Associations of Neuropathology, Cerebral Ageing, and Myology. Rome (Italy) 24-27 May 2006; P10
  113. Fonti R, Salvatore B, Quarantelli M, Sirignano C, Cammarano F, Segreto S, Petruzziello F, Catalano L, Rotoli B, Del Vecchio S, Pace L, Salvatore M.18F-FDG-PET/CT, 99mTc-MIBI and MRI in the evaluation of patients with multiple myeloma. Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Congress of the European Association for Nuclear Medicine. Abs: 487
  114. Fonti R, Salvatore B, Quarantelli M, Sirignano C, Cammarano F, Segreto S, Petruzziello F, Catalano L, Martinelli V, Rotoli B, Del Vecchio S, Pace L, Salvatore M. Multimodality imaging with 18F-FDG-PET/CT, 99mTc-MIBI and MRI inpatients with multiple myeloma. Proceedings of the IX Congress of the Italian Society of Experimental Hematology (2006) PO-164 Pag. 53
  115. Pappatà S, Varrone S, Milan G, Sansone V, Iavarone A, Panico MR, Quarantelli M, Mollica C, De Falco C, Lore' C, Postiglione A, Salvatore M. SPECT study of GABAA/BZD receptors and cerebral blood flow in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). NeuroImage 31 (2006) T44-T186:T169
  116. V. Brescia Morra, R. Lanzillo, M. Quarantelli, E. Salvatore, G. Vacca, G. Coppola, A. Pagano, R. Longobardi, M. Larobina, G. Orefice. IGF-1 and TNF-alfa as surrogate markers of disease outcome in RR MS patients treated with IFN beta 1a. J Neurol Sci 2005;238(Suppl. 1):S222
  117. D. Paladini, P. Volpe, M. Quarantelli. Posterior fossa and vermian morphometry in the characterization of fetal cerebellar abnormalities:a three-dimensional ultrasound study. Proc. of the 15th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 25-29 September 2005, Vancouver, Canada (OC6.03) Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2005;26:318
  118. M. Quarantelli, R. Lanzillo, W. Del Vecchio, C. Mollica, A. Prinster, A. Brunetti, L. Santoro, M. Salvatore. [Brain tissue volume changes in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy]. Proceedings of the XXI Meeting of the Italian Association of Neuroradiology, Salerno 22-25 June 2005. P23
  119. S. Galderisi, A. Mucci, M. Quarantelli, U. Volpe, G. Amati, B. Alfano, M. Maj. Structural and functional brain imaging findings in deficit and nondeficit schizophrenia. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2004;7(Suppl 1):S81
  120. Brescia Morra V, Florio C, Scarano V, Vivo R, Lanzillo R, Muto M, Prinster A, Coppola G, Salvatore E, Pagano A, Schiavone V, Quarantelli M, Orefice G. Disease activity, interferon-beta-1b therapy and neuropsychological assessment in 50 relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients: preliminary results of a 2-year ongoing study. Multiple Sclerosis 2004;10 (Suppl. 2): S123-S123
  121. U. Volpe, S. Galderisi, M. Quarantelli, G.B. Cassano, A. Vita, A. Rossi, A. Mucci, B. Alfano, M. Maj. Relationship between antipsychotic treatment and subcortical brain volumes: an MRI study of schizophrenia. Proceedings of the International Congress of the World Psychiatric Association, Florence 10-13-2004 (PO1.31)
  122. U. Volpe, S. Galderisi, M. Quarantelli, G.B. Cassano, A. Vita, A. Rossi, A. Mucci, B. Alfano, M. Maj. MRI findings in schizophrenia: relationships with diagnostic subtype and treatment with antipsychotic drugs. Proceedings of the International Congress of the World Psychiatric Association, Florence 10-13-2004 (PO1.32)
  123. A. Vita, S. Galderisi, U. Volpe, M. Quarantelli, G.B. Cassano, A. Rossi, A. Mucci, B. Alfano, M. Maj. Cortical and subcortical brain volumes in deficit and nondeficit schizophrenia: a multicenter MRI study. Proceedings of the International Congress of the World Psychiatric Association, Florence 10-13-2004 (SS30.1)
  124. G. Puoti, C. Tucci, S. Carlomagno, G. Capuano, M. Quarantelli, G. Di Fede, A. Leonardi, G. Giaccone, F. Tagliavini, and R. Cotrufo. Insertional mutation in the prion protein gene presenting with schizophrenic-like symptoms. Eur J neurol, 2004;11(S2):188 (P2016)
  125. Galderisi S, Del Zompo M, Invernizzi G, Pini S, Quarantelli M, Rossi A, Cassano P, Severino G, Stratta P, Vita A, Volpe U, Salvatore M, Maj M. MRI, neuropsychological and genetic findings in deficit and non-deficit schizophrenia: A multicentre study. European Psychiatry 2004;19:68S-69S
  126. R. Lanzillo, R. Orefice, G. Coppola, M.Quarantelli, A. Brunetti, E. Salvatore, G. Orefice, V. Brescia Morra, V. Bonavita. Cognitive deficits and brain atrophy in multiple sclerosis patients. Poceedings of the First Congress of the European Neuropsychological Societies, Modena, Italy 18-20 April 2004
  127. Brescia Morra V, Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Prinster A, Coppola G, Brunetti A, Salvatore E, Mollica C, Orefice R, Liuzzi R, Alfano B, Orefice G (2004). Normal and abnormal brain tissue volumes and neuropsychological status in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, vol. 11, p. 125
  128. A. Varrone, S. Pappatà, M. Quarantelli, V. Sansone, C. Mollica, E. Lorè, S. Carlomagno, A. Iavarone, A. Postiglione, B. Alfano, M. Salvatore. Partial Volume Effect Correction Of rCBF SPET Studies In Mild Cognitive Impairment And Alzheimer`S Disease. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2004;31:S218 (Suppl. 2)
  129. Brescia Morra V, Quarantelli M, Lanzillo R, Prinster A, Coppola G, Brunetti A, Salvatore E, Mollica C, Orefice R, Liuzzi R, Alfano B, Orefice G. Normal and abnormal brain tissue volumes and neuropsychological status in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. J Neurol 2004;251(Suppl. 3):87
  130. Rask T, Svarer C, Dyrby T, Comerci M, Berkouk K, Baron J-C, Alfano B, Colchester A, Hojjat SA, Quarantelli M, Knudsen GM, Paulson OB. PVElab: Software for correction of functional images for partial volume errors. Proceedings of the 10th meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (2004); WE 286
  131. Alfano B, Quarantelli M, Commerci M, Brunetti A, Salvatore M. A new method for voxel-based partial volume effect correction. Proceedings of the 10th meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (2004); TH 360
  132. Pappatà S, Quarantelli M, Varrone V, Ciarmiello A, Sansone V, Mollica C, Iavarone A, Carlomagno S, Postiglione A, Soricelli A, Brunetti A, Alfano B. Cortical GABA-A CBZR loss measured with 123I-Iomazenil in Alzheimers disease: a SPECT study with Partial Volume Effect correction. Proceedings of the 10th meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (2004); WE 377
  133. Quarantelli M, Pappatà S, Varrone A, Mollica C, Sansone V, Lorè E, Postiglione A, Carlomagno S, Iavarone A, Alfano B, Salvatore M. rCBF in Alzheimer`s disease versus Mild Cognitive Impairment: a SPECT study with Partial Volume Effect correction. Proceedings of the 10th meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (2004); WE 379
  134. Quarantelli M, Orefice G, Prinster A, Lanzillo R, Brunetti A, Coppola G, Mollica C, Salvatore E, Liuzzi R, Orefice R, Brescia Morra V, Alfano B. Normal and abnormal brain tissue volumes and neuropsychological status in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Proceedings of the 10th meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (2004); TH 229
  135. Alfano B, Brunetti A, Prinster A, Quarantelli M, Salvatore M. STEPBRAIN: A Stereolitographed Phantom of the Brain for Nuclear Medicine, Computed Tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Applications. Proceedings of the 2003 RSNA meeting; Q17-1350
  136. M Quarantelli, K Berkouk, A Prinster, B Landeau, B Alfano, A Brunetti, JC Baron, M Salvatore An integrated software for the analysis of brain PET/SPECT studies with Partial Volume Effect Correction. Proceedings of the 9th meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (2003); Abtract No. 695
  137. K Berkouk, M Quarantelli, N Kerrouche, B Desgranges, A Prinster, B Landeau, B Alfano, JC Baron. Correction of FDG-PET data for Partial Volume Effect: Application to Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Proceedings of the 9th meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (2003); Abtract No. 1017
  138. K Berkouk, M Quarantelli, A Prinster, B Alfano, F Eustache, JC Baron. Comparing FDG-PET data between normal volunteers (NV) and Alzheimer`s disease (AD) patients with Gray Matter (GM) volume being accounted for: a voxel-based analysis. Proceedings of the 9th meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (2003); Abtract No. 736
  139. A. Brunetti, A. Prinster, A. Varrone, S. PappatàM. Quarantelli. [In-vivo neurochemistry: MR spectroscopy and Emission tomography (Chimica neuronale in vivo: spettroscopia a Risonanza Magnetica e tomografia a emissione)]. Poseidonia Medicina 2003;19:19-28
  140. Varrone A, Pappatà S, Carlomagno S, Iavarone A, Vargas N, Morra A, Carlesimo GA, Sansone V, Sorrentino AR, Quarantelli M, Soricelli A, Postiglione A, Salvatore M. Voxel-based analysis of 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT images reveals specific regional cerebral blood flow changes in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Q J Nucl Med 2002, 46:4 (Suppl 1) 105 (abs)
  141. Pappatà S, Varrone A, Postiglione A, Caracò C, Soricelli A, Panico MR, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A, Salvatore M. Distinct patterns of reduced benzodiazepine receptors suggest specific cortical neuronal loss in Alzheimer's disease patients: a 3D voxel-based-analysis of 123I-Iomazenil images. Q J Nucl Med 2002, 46:4 (Suppl 1) 36 (abs)
  142. V. Brescia Morra, R. Lanzillo, A. Brunetti, E. Salvatore, V. Schiavone, M. Quarantelli, G. Coppola, G. Orefice. Quantitative MRI and neuropsychological assessment in 48 MS patients. Proceedings of the XXXIII Congress of the Italian Society of Neurology, Naples, 14-18 September 2002 (Abs.)
  143. V. Brescia Morra, R. Lanzillo, A. Brunetti, E. Salvatore, V. Schiavone, M. Quarantelli, G. Coppola, G. Orefice. Quantitative MRI and neuropsychological assessment in 48 RR-MS patients. Proceedings of the XXXIII ECTRIMS, Baltimore, 14-18 September 2002. P276 (Abs.)
  144. A. Varrone A, S. Pappatà, A. Postiglione, G.A. Carlesimo, V. Sansone, A.R. Sorrentino, M. Quarantelli, A. Soricelli, M. Salvatore. Imaging of cerebral blood flow abnormalities in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Eur J Nucl Med. 2002;29(Suppl.1):S285 (Abs.)
  145. A. Prinster, K. Berkouk, M. Quarantelli, S. Pappatà, B. Landeau, B. Alfano, J.C. Baron. Correction of FDG-PET data for Partial Volume Effect in Alzheimer's Disease: comparison of different techniques. Proceedings of the 8th meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (2002); Abtract No. 20183
  146. K. Berkouk, M. Quarantelli , A. Prinster, B. Landeau, S. Pappatà, B. Alfano, J.C. Baron. Relation Between FDG-PET Data and Associated Gray Matter Volume in Normal Human Brain Independently of Partial Volume Effects: A Voxel-Based Morphometric Analysis. Proceedings of the 8th meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (2002); Abstract No. 10127
  147. Quarantelli M, Berkouk K, Prinster A, Landeau B, Pappatà S, Baron JC, Alfano A. Assessment of contribution from Partial Volume Effect to heterogeneity of FDG-PET data in normal human brain. Proceedings of the 22nd European Winter Conference on Brain Research  (2002); pp93-94
  148. M. Larobina, A. Prinster, M. Quarantelli, A. Ciarmiello, J.P. Hornak, B. Alfano. Use of the DICOM file format for quantitative analysis of brain images.  European Radiology 2002, 12 (Suppl 1) B-0970 (abs)
  149. Meyer-Lindenberg A, Miletich RS, Kohn PD, Esposito G, Carson R, Quarantelli M , Weinberger D, Berman K. Presynaptic dopamine function and cognitive activation in schizophrenia. Proceedings of the 7th meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (2001); NEUROIMAGE, vol. 13, p. S1072
  150. M. Quarantelli , B. Alfano, S. Pappatà, H. Chabriat, M. Larobina, E. Tedeschi, A. Brunetti, M. Salvatore. Automated assessment of brain atrophy and abnormal tissue quantitation in CADASIL patients. Proceedings of the ninth meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2001, 1452 (abs)
  151. M. Quarantelli , M. Larobina, U. Volpe, G. Amati, A. Ciarmiello, A. Brunetti, M. Salvatore: Measurement of supratentorial ventricular volumes using a stereotactic approach. Application to MR studies in schizophrenia. European Radiology 2001, 11 (Suppl 1) B-0198 (abs)
  152. B. Alfano, M. Quarantelli, S. Pappatà, H. Chaiat, M. Larobina, E. Tedeschi, A. Brunetti, M. Salvatore: Preliminary evaluation of brain relaxometry and lesion quantification in CADASIL patients. European Radiology 2001, 11 (Suppl 1) B-0809 (abs)
  153. M. Quarantelli, E. Tedeschi, B. Alfano, A. Brunetti, M. Larobina, A. Ciarmiello, M. Salvatore: Stereotactic approach to regional volume measurements using segmented brain images. European Radiology 1999, 9 (Suppl 1) S113 (abs)
  154. Brunetti, E. Tedeschi, M. Quarantelli, E.M. Covelli, M. Larobina, A. Ciarmiello, M. Salvatore: Automated vs manual measurement of lesion load in Spin-Echo MR studies of patients with Multiple Sclerosis. European Radiology 1999, 9 (Suppl 1) S124 (abs)
  155. A. Ciarmiello, M. Larobina, B. Alfano, A. Brunetti, M. Quarantelli , M. Ziviello, M. Salvatore. Assessment of the reproducibility of paramagnetic ion concentration using signal intensity images and relaxation rate maps. European Radiology 1999, 9 (Suppl 1) S541 (abs)
  156. M. Quarantelli, E. Tedeschi, M. Larobina, A. Ciarmiello, A. Brunetti, B. Alfano and M. Salvatore. Automated Measurement of Regional Brain Volumes using a 3D Stereotactic Approach Based on the Talairach Grid. Proceedings of the 7th Scientific Meeting of the ISMRM. 24-28 May 1999, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA P2134
  157. M. Larobina, M. Quarantelli, E. Tedeschi, A. Brunetti, B. Alfano, M. Salvatore. Validation of an automated regional brain segmentation method using a stereotactic Talairach approach. CAR S '99; Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS '99); 199-202 (Editors: H.U. Lemke, M.W. Vannier, K. Inamura, A.G. Farman - Elsevier Science, 1999)
  158. A. Brunetti, A. Ciarmiello, G. Orefice, V. Bresciamorra, M. Larobina, E. Tedeschi, M. Quarantelli , B. Alfano, M. Salvatore. Manual versus automated measurement of lesion load in T2-weighted images in Multiple Sclerosis based on a relaxometric- geometric approach. Multiple Sclerosis 1999, 5:S56 (abs)
  159. A. Ciarmiello, A. Brunetti, R. Lanzillo, G. Coppola, M. Larobina, G. Orefice, V. Bresciamorra, M. Coppola, N.A. Fragassi, M. Quarantelli , B. Alfano, M. Salvatore. Unsupervised assessment of lesion load in multiple sclerosis correlation with cognitive decline. Multiple Sclerosis 1999, 5:S55
  160. Quarantelli M , Larobina M, Brunetti A, Tedeschi E, Ciarmiello A, Covelli EM, Alfano B. [Brain lobe volume measurement by application of the Talairach grid to segmented MR images]. Proceedings of the 15th Meeting of the Italian Association of NeuroRadiology (AINR), Florance, Italy, Dec 9-12, 1998 Centauro ed. Bologna, Italy; 109
  161. Brunetti A, Quarantelli M, Tedeschi E, Ciarmiello A, Covelli EM, Larobina M, Alfano B, Salvatore M. [Automated easurement of brain lesion load in multiple sclerosis]. Proceedings of the 15th Meeting of the Italian Association of NeuroRadiology (AINR), Florance, Italy, Dec 9-12, 1998 Centauro ed. Bologna, Italy; 78
  162. Tedeschi E, Quarantelli M, Brunetti A, Ciarmiello A, Larobina M, Covelli EM, Alfano B. [Simultaneous display of morpho-functional neuroimages using an original technique based on frequence separation]. Proceedings of the 15th Meeting of the Italian Association of NeuroRadiology (AINR), Florance, Italy, Dec 9-12, 1998 Centauro ed. Bologna, Italy; 28
  163. Quarantelli M , Alfano B, Larobina M, Brunetti A, Tedeschi E, Salvatore M. Simultaneous display of PET and MRI brain studies using frequency encoding. Proceedings of the RSNA 84th Meeting, Nov 29 - Dec 4,1998 Chicago, IL. Radiology 209(P):482
  164. Brunetti A, Alfano B., Tedeschi E, Quarantelli M, Ciarmiello A, Orefice G, Bresciamorra V, Larobina M, Campanella G, Salvatore M. Combined relaxometric-geometric magnetic resonance approach for automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions. Ectrims 1998 (Stockolm, Sweden). Multiple Sclerosis 1998, 4; p. 301 (abs)
  165. Brunetti A, Quarantelli M, Orefice G, Ciarmiello A, Bresciamorra V, Lanzillo R, Tedeschi E, Larobina M, Coppola G, Covelli EM, Alfano B. Correlation of brain atrophy with lesion load in patients with multiple sclerosis. Ectrims 1998 (Stockolm, Sweden) . Multiple Sclerosis 1998, 4; p. 304 (abs)
  166. Larobina M, Alfano B, Brunetti A, Quarantelli M. Brain tissue segmentation using "Quantitative Magnetic Color Imaging". ESRB 1998 (Capri, Italy)
  167. M.Quarantelli , B. Alfano, M. Larobina, A. Brunetti, E.M. Covelli, E. Tedeschi, G. Orefice, V. Brescia-Morra, G. Campanella, M. Salvatore. Quantitative evaluation of brain atrophy in Multiple Sclerosis. Proceedings of the sixth meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1;123 (1998)
  168. B. Alfano, M. Larobina, A. Brunetti, M. Quarantelli, E. Tedeschi, E.M. Covelli, A. Ciarmiello, G. Tedeschi, M. Salvatore. Fully automated measurement of disease burden in multiple sclerosis with a relaxometric MR approach. Proceedings of the sixth meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 3;2166 (1998)
  169. B. Alfano, A. Brunetti, M. Quarantelli, M. Larobina, E.M. Covelli, E. Tedeschi, A. Ciarmiello, M. Salvatore. Fully-automated multispectral MR brain segmentation for detection and volumetric measurement of white matter lesions. Computer assisted radiology and Surgery, H.U. Lemke et al., ed., CAR Berlin, June 1997; 123-126
  170. A. Brunetti, B. Alfano, A. Postiglione, A. Ciarmiello, E.M. Covelli, G. Milan, M. Quarantelli , E. Tedeschi, M. Ziviello, M. Salvatore. Multispectral MR segmentation for the assessment of brain atrophy in patients with Dementia of the Alzheimer Type. Proceedings of the fifth meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1;681 (1997)
  171. M. Quarantelli , B. Alfano, A. Brunetti, E.M. Covelli, E. Tedeschi, M. Larobina, M. Salvatore. Reproducibility of intracranial volume measurement by unsupervised brain segmentation with multispectral MR data. Proceedings of the fifth meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 3;2093 (1997)
  172. A. Brunetti, M. Quarantelli, E.M. Covelli, E. Tedeschi, A. Ciarmiello, G. Milan, A. Postiglione, B. Alfano, M. Salvatore. Unsupervised assessment of brain atrophy in dementia of the Alzheimer's type. Proceedings of the fourth meeting of the European Congress of Radiology; 974 (1997)
  173. B. Alfano, A. Brunetti, E.M. Covelli, E. Tedeschi, M. Quarantelli , M. Salvatore. Assessment of a novel automated brain segmentation procedure based on a multi-spectral relaxometric MR approach. Proceedings of the fourth meeting of the European Congress of Radiology; 1328 (1997)
  174. M. Quarantelli , B. Alfano, A. Brunetti, E.M. Covelli, E. Tedeschi, C. Mainolfi, P. Varrella, M. Salvatore. New display methods for MRI and PET fusion images. Proceedings of the fourth meeting of the European Congress of Radiology; 1470 (1997)
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