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K. Berkouk, M. Quarantelli , A. Prinster, B. Landeau, S. Pappatà, B. Alfano, J.C. Baron. Relation BetweenFDG-PET Data and Associated Gray Matter Volume in Normal Human Brain Independently of Partial Volume Effects: A Voxel-Based MorphometricAnalysis. Proceedings of the 8th meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (2002); Abstract No. 10127
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M. Quarantelli , B. Alfano, S. Pappata, H. Chabriat, M. Larobina, E. Tedeschi, A. Brunetti, M. Salvatore. Automated assessment of brain atrophy and abnormal tissue quantitation in CADASIL patients. Proceedings of the ninth meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2001, 1452(abs)
M. Quarantelli , M. Larobina, U. Volpe, G. Amati, A. Ciarmiello, A. Brunetti, M. Salvatore: Measurement of supratentorial ventricular volumes using a stereotactic approach. Application to MR studies in schizophria. European Radiology 2001, 11 (Suppl 1) B-0198 (abs)
Alfano, M. Quarantelli, S. Pappata, H. Chabriat, M. Larobina, E. Tedeschi, A. Brunetti, M. Salvatore: Preliminary evaluation of brain relaxometry and lesion quantification in CADASIL patients. European Radiology 2001, 11 (Suppl 1) B-0809 (abs)